Mar 19, 2006 21:40
OMG! I'm actually updating XD Sorry I know it was spring break and all but I still had to work _-_ Speaking of work... I have to look for another job because its just not working out. I mean I like working there but I can't do it anymore. I don't get enough pay and the hours are too hectic. Hell they can't even keep me on the same schedule even for 2 weeks! Its always changing and it annoys the hell out of me.
Anyways yea... So my spring break sucked after I came back from my somewhat vacation. I have school tomorrow which really sucks T_T I hate school. But Tuesday I don't have to go to school because I start my therapy sessions again. Oh yay. Can you see me getting all pumped up to go talk to a complete stranger? Its oh so much fun. not. Gah well atleast I get to miss all day Tuesday XD
Anyways so I need money. Meaning I will be selling some of my stuff. Like my Yukata T_T Its sad but I don't wear it and I can always replace it later in life. Besides the colour doesn't fit me because of my skin is sooooo soooooo fricking light T_T I'm like glow in the dark white XD yea.... But hell if I'm selling my Jrock CDs f that yo! Those I'm definitly keeping XD ._.;; Yea soooo yea...
I think thats it for now...