Nov 15, 2004 21:26
One Long Night
Saturday November 13, 2004
12am - It’s hard to sleep with the never ending monologue in my head, it’s even harder when you are thinking about the never ending monologue thus adding to it. This has been going on for as long as I can remember. As I lay on my bed going from channel to channel, I think to myself... An endless chain of thoughts that goes on for what seems like an eternity, but in human time translates to about 5 minutes. I close my eyes and try to drown out my thoughts. I lay there for about an hour staring at the ceiling wondering about life and listening to the sounds of silence. Silent nights give me a bitter sweet feeling.
1am - I decided to get off my bed. I walk to my computer and put on some music, it helps to mend any emotional wounds caused by boredom and loneliness. Having nothing to do, I got an impulse to do things I have thought about doing but never have done. I organized and categorized every MP3 file in my computer (over 1,000)…
3am - I open my sketch book and began to draw.
5am - I finished my sketching and was disappointed, I seem to never be satisfied with anything. It’s a disease I have. After re-organizing and cleaning my room there was nothing left to do but sleep. I tried but was once again unsuccessful.
6am - Sunlight peeked through the blinds of my bed room window. I realized that by this time I would be waking to continue the Monday through Friday routine of schooling. I had been awake for about an entire day now, but still I had yet found sleep. Hoping to tire myself out I walk to my closet where I begin to lift weights. An hour or so passes by, but sill no hope for sleep.
7am - I begin to read Dickens’ David Copperfield a book I enjoy reading but never get the time to. School and many other things get in the way of my reading.
7:30am - I begin to wonder what homework is due, period by period, I go through my list of classes. I begin to wonder if Ms. Guerra, my English teacher is alright after her accident. Will she be there on Monday? The sun brightens up my room, I’m not one who likes sunlight, I love the night and everything about it, but there are some days that are just too perfect to dislike. I fell asleep.
I am running in a long hallway which I soon find out is an airport terminal. I find a ticket in my pocket; it has a question mark on it. Sitting down by a window I see my friend Alex Alarcon, whom I haven’t seen in a very long time.
John Casteñeda starts talking to me about guns and how he plans on buying one, I tell him to not talk about that in an airport. He denies that anything would happen and he is quickly tackled and taken away in handcuffs.
The plane is now boarding passengers and I see many of my classmates there. The plane seems to be a bunch of stools glued to a metal rod with wings; it’s pretty easy to slip off, this is scary considering I’m not too fond of heights. The plane takes off and is high in the air. Erick Figueroa clumsily falls off his seat.
11am - I wake up fully energized having only slept for about 3 hours.
1pm - I turn on the TV and order the Movie Saved! on PPV.
3pm - Saved turned out to be one of the best movies I have seen. It was spiritually enlightening in many ways.
5pm - I fall asleep while reading on history.
8pm - I discovered a very interesting website ( and I read all I could for about 2 hours.
11pm - A friend calls me on the phone and we talk for sometime. There is something about conversations that make you feel good, it may be the person you converse with, what you converse about, or just the plain fact that you interact with another mind.
2am - Hang up the phone and go through the daily struggle of trying to find sleep…