Mar 21, 2005 17:11
argh I keep having panic attacks all the time it sucks I need different medication I think. I don't want to turn into a big pill head that is my only problem.
Yesterday was good. I went to Liv's and got picked up at 4.30 by Jamie we went on our drive to Manchester stopped off at a service station. I got some fruit salads for the gig, yum. We talked loads it was fun. Got into M'chester and got hopelessly lost. After asking people we found our way. Got into the gig and I saw the list of bands playing. We thought Jimmy Eat World were gunna be supported by The Apartment. Looked at the list HUNDRED FUCKING REASONS!. I died <3. Went over to the merch stand they had some good tee's I wanted a top that was pink and said 'I <3 HR'. I left my wallet in the car :|. Hundred Reasons came on they were immense I was singing away and I had some space and a good view of the stage. After that we met up with Jen. Talked about how tall people always stand infront of you at gigs. JEW came on and all of these REALLY sweaty people came out of nowhere and just started acting like dickheads. Me and Jess just ended up standing there going BAD BUZZ, MATE. Jess got chatted up by a Jared Leto look-a-like. phwoar. It finished and we stood outside. People were stood there selling cheap t-shirts and they were VERY small. Some boy was like laid out on the floor his mates going "he's had like half a wkd and he is drunk" so we were shouting WRECKED MATE. Car got in. Jess started some people coming out of the gig when we were in the car she went "MOSHERS, OH WAIT SORRY NOT YOU THEM" and the girls nearly offered her out. Ahhh, mancurians so don't know the t-side lingo these days. Sang along to 'Gold' and 'Fix up, look sharp' on the way home was good. Still dead tired now. Shit day in college I want to go to bed. I will I reckon.
just an update to show I'm not dead.