I'm trying to keep this updated!!!

Jul 24, 2009 23:02

Okay, so I'm back in Massachusetts. Um... hopefully getting a job next week, Terry's already working, but temporarily staying with a coworker because he can't stand it here in my parent's house. I don't blame him. STRESSFUL. But we're trying!!
I'm trying... I've been scouring the internet, Barnes and Noble and the library to help improve my own personal situation, ie, I'm such a controlling bitch!! Blame a passive-aggressive, OCD, chronic depressed brain for that. Ahhh, happy pills shall soon be reentering my life, I think. So much the better. Helps counteract the estrogen bouncing from the Pill.
Isn't that funny? I have to take pills to counteract the side effects from other pills? God what is my issue? Of course, can't do much about it. Not having any more munchkins for a looong time.
Speaking of, Gavin is doing very well. He's got an amazing vocabulary (like a 4 yr old) and he's full of energy! He's picked up a couple nasty tantrum bits from the babysitter's little girl, but other than that, he's the sweetest 2 yr old ever!!!


Congratulations Amanda!! I miss you soooo much and I wish I could've been there. You were beautiful, I hope you guys are happy!
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