just for allissa<3

May 11, 2006 14:23

I got tagged by the babygirll allissaaaa

Four jobs I've had

1. Tapioca Express- Carson which is now Blenders or something?
2. Limited Too Inc.- San Diego
3. Tapioca Express- San Diego hahaha

Four movies I can watch over and over

1. Oceans Eleven
2. The Little Mermaid
3. Stewie's First Movie
4. anything MKA [:

Four places I've lived

1. Long Beach
2. Guam
3. Virginia
4. Carson & San Diego [:

Four TV shows I watch

1. Conan
2. Sex and the City
3. Gilmore Girls
4. 8th & Ocean

Four places I've vacationed

1. Florida
2. Hawaii
3. Georgia
4. Illinois... I know, they're all pretty lame except Hawaii

Four foods I love

1. Cream cheese wontons!
2. Pizzokies
3. That banana thing Filipinos make
4. Steak!

Four sites I visit daily

1. myspace
2. livejournal
3. facebook
4. gmail

Four places I'd rather be

1. Hawaii
2. Mexico
3. Shopping with Allissa
4. At the beach tanning!

Four random items in my PURSE

1. Eyeliner
2. LV wallet, the only real designer stuff I have & it was a present
3. Burts Bees chapstick
4. My phone

Four things most people don't know about me

1. Like Allissa, I hate almost all of my body
2. I want my hair longer again ]: IT WONT GROW!
3. I'm obsessed with MKA
4. I really want to just be married or something already and be done with school!

Four people i tag to do this:

1. kattt [:
2. jessie chan!
3. that neekro ryann
4. xela

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