things! i've been doing them.

Jan 13, 2011 20:41

So awful at updating, omg.

Yuletide happened! I wrote Scott Pilgrim & the Unsubtle Seduction, which I'm kind of embarrassed by and slightly horrified by how many people have apparently read it, so! Here's some Scott Pilgrim fics you should actually read, because they are the greatest:

Strangely Patriotic - My gift! Omg, it's so delighful: Ramona, Kim and Knives road trip across Canada. Everyone is spot on and there's fights and hipsters and drinking! I want to cover it in scribbly hearts. I got so lucky! \o/

Listen to Bands That Don't Even Exist Yet - Stephen Stills is maybe gay? BEST SP FIC OF THE YEAR, because it's awesomely long, seventeen kinds of glorious, and I love it. It's coming-to-terms-with-sexuality fic in the best kind of way. ♥

I Don't Know What's Happening and I Can't Pretend - Scott can't get out of Thursday. It's essentially Groundhog day fic. SO GOOD.

a long way to love (that I must travel) - Ramona/Kim! With a small zombie apocalypse and bank robbing and girls being so, so awesome. ♥o♥

(I have so many fics bookmarked and I'm going through them so, so slowly, but I might have a proper rec list by, like, July, ish? urgh Yuletide you are ridiculously and delightfully massive.)

Also, yuletart! I drew Warriors (Ruffnut, Mulan, and Suki), which I'm mostly proud of, and was ridiculously fun to do. Girls being badass! ♥

Christmas happened! It was quiet and lovely, and I got a few cool things (How to Train Your Dragon DVD! Derren Brown's new book!) and A HOLIDAY TO TURKEY AHHHHH. I haven't left the UK in about seven years you have no idea how excited I am right now. Proper sun! On a yacht (it's a flotilla holiday, so proper sailing and travelling and yay! not just, you know, lying around on deck)! For two weeks! also dolphins!

This does mean that, by May, I'd really like to not hate my body quite so much. So! I'm eating more healthily and making a point of going out and walking whenever the chance comes up, and so far it's going okay!

I do Pilates every week already and I have plans for rock climbing, although I really need some new, healthy and tasty recipes. Any recs? :D

Job hunting is still going terribly, fandom is still shiny (I'm suddenly massively in to Kurt/Blaine? and I've started watching Legend of the Seeker, mainly for all the femslash I keep seeing. ♥o♥), and I've been keeping up with the flist although I'm still awful at commenting and most people (like me, actually) seem to have disappeared off to tumblr. How are you all?

christmas!, me me me, scott pilgrim, yuletide, fic recs

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