Darfur/Chad Update

Feb 11, 2008 19:53

As you may know, Darfur villages are under renewed attack and thousands of refugees fleeing to Chad are being turned away. Oxfam, the primary supplier of water to internally displaced persons, says it will be forced to shut down operations in three weeks. "The situation is running out of control," states Jan Eliasson, UN Special Envoy for Darfur.

Please take some action, any action, to let world leaders know that we expect them to fulfill their promise to protect the people of Darfur. Please email leaders listed below who can make a difference.

Also consider writing letters to the editor of your local papers. These letters reach thousands of people and will get published!

I have pasted in today's joint policy statement from Save Darfur Coalition, GINet, and ENOUGH for ideas on what to say to our leaders and to the public.


US Special Envoy to Darfur:


European Union

Presidential candidates:

Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

John McCain

The Save Darfur Coalition, the ENOUGH Project, and the Genocide Intervention Network make the following policy recommendations:

1. The U.S., France and UK should work with China and Russia to introduce immediately a UN Security Council resolution authorizing targeted sanctions on senior Sudanese officials responsible for supporting the overthrow of a neighboring sovereign government, for obstructing the deployment of international protection forces in Chad and Darfur, and for continuing to promote violence in Darfur.

2. The U.S., UK, France, and China, as leading members of the UN Security Council, and in coordination with the UN, the AU, and the broader international community, should work together to ensure that the UNAMID peacekeeping mission in Darfur and the EUFOR and MINURCAT peacekeeping missions in Chad/CAR are immediately and fully deployed.

3. The U.S., France, UK and China should use this opportunity to form an international "Quartet" to work with the UN and AU to promote an end to the interconnected conflicts in Chad and Sudan.


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