So yesterday, me and my friends, all decided to go on a canoe and have some fun. Though ours had techinical problems was my first time. I was getting sorta sick of it because, we were basicly very behind and the other boat was bloody far away. " Hey guys, wanna jump in the lake?" (We were in the middle of it) That was my sugestion, but then I thought of my NEW converse and my Canon camera. Ok, so maybe it's not a good idea.Eventually I decided to switch place with Minnie. Time passed, and I was thinking of putting my foot in the water. " Actually when you put your foot in the water, it helps us lead the boat." And it did! Obviously, I was wetting my foot on the right and left side, depending on which side they wanted to go. I saw our boat on the right side when the other one was on the left "Ok...I'll put my foot on the left side then" have I thought. Get ready for action.....
After 10 second, our boat capsized!!
- I got one! Minnie
- I got one also! Jean
I had my camera and one shoe, so we gave it to the other team." Ok so we have Minnie's flip-flops, Michelle's camera and one shoe......WHERE'S THE OTHER ONE?" We tried to look for it.
- I gave your shoe to Nhu-Tram. Minnie
- Yeah, I saw you. Michelle
- I gave your shoe also! Jean
- No you didnt..... Minnie
- AHH FUCKKKK!!!!! Michelle
- Ooops....... Jean
Eventually we flipped our boat and went back with four 20$ bills wet, with my fucking 400$ camera wet and with ONE SHOE! " Who wants to dive underwater?" have I said sarcasticly. I swear if they had the equippement, I'd do it. We went back and Nhu-Tram said " Theres a missing whistle!!" I didnt care that much much does a fringing cheap whistle cost? 3$ max? NOOOOO 8 FUCKING DOLLARS! "My dad is soo gonna laugh about this. And my mom is sooo going to kill me" On our way back, everyone was staring at our wet pants, espsecially Minnie's cuz hers was SEE-THROUGH. Lmao! Just to make things worst my parents started to yell at me saying that nobody brings their camera and shoes on a canoe. Ok, if I knew we were going to flip, I wouldnt bring. But its my first fringing time!!!! I started to cry and Jean went to comfort me. "Whoever makes me pissed off, I'll fucking punch them in the face" have I said. We all decided to go swim and when we came back to our spot, minnie had lost one len of her glasses. Why? Simply because Jean decided to go between my legs ( Ok ,thats so wrong.) and flip me over. He accidently hit Minnie in the face. " WHERES MY GLASSES? Oh there it is.....OH FUCK, WHERES THE OTHER LEN?" Just to tell you, we had fun looking for a fringing len IN THE WATER FILLED WITH ROCKS AND SAND.Jean probably feels horribly bad right now, but we still love you! Now my Canon LCD screen is fucking busted. and, Michelle shall scam futurshop. MWAHAHAHAHA!!
Now, heres a question: Should I re-buy it on the internet? ( You cant find mine in montreal. It's a special edition buddies!)