Just me.

Nov 07, 2005 20:06

Biggest Geek Crush: Huh... do only celebrities count? I'm engaged to one of the most adorable geeks in the world, but if you want the name of someone you can look up and judge me based on who I had a crush on, Amy Acker. Fred from 'Angel'. She's freaking hot. And so cute and tiny. I like Alyson Hannigan for the same reasons. Plus, red hair. Always a good thing. I wish my hair was red.
Biggest Geek Claim to Fame: I brought up the fact that humans traditionally behaved like viruses in front of my entire honors chemistry class -before- The Matrix came out.
The Thing Your Friends Wish You Didn't Talk About: Oh, god, where to start... the biological mechanics of various bodily functions, the fatal flaws of movie physics, history/mythology/religion, chemistry, Angel, video games, a million other things... I'm a fountain of random, bizarre knowledge that comes out in inappropriate places and times.
Favorite British Series: Like... a scripted series? Because I love Cash in the Attic, but in terms of scripted shows Monty Python rules, but what else is new...
Favorite Comic Book/LOTR Character: BATMAN. And Superman. I like Batman better. His only real power is the power of money, and thus gives geeks everywhere the hope that if they could only win the lottery they, too, could be a super hero.
Chloe or Lana: OH JESUS GOD NO NOT LANA. NOT LANA. *cries* I freaking HATE Lana. :'O Chloe... I could take or leave.
...we really don't want to count Saved By the Bell's Screech, do we: Hey, I like Screech. He filled out nicely, actually. If I was actually into guys, but I'm actually not.
Using the periodic table of elements, my initials stand for: Sulphur Phosphate.
Favorite Mad Parody: I actually don't read Mad. Not because I don't like it, but because I forget it exists randomly. But I -do- like it, and I read it when given the chance.
Favorite Princess Bride/Monty Python/Mel Brooks Quote: "I'm surrounded by Assholes!" And... the entire Brave Sir Robin song from Holy Grail. Especially the part about "His nostrils raped and his bottom burned off".
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