im going to new york this weekend till tuesday
i didnt even get to say goodbye because of this bitch
what a mother fuckin bitch
even tho im related to u. ur a real BITCH.
this is the worst timing! i can never make this up to you.
i cant wait to live all by myself, i dont care what mediocre job ill have to take just to get the hell out, crazy people! i hate screaming i hate your voice i hate your mentality
coming home to peace and quiet!!!! so exhilirating, im just bring my brutha twigz
neegy i love you thanks for almost getting me in trouble today in skoo dumbass
i know i am being stupid. but i don't car e!!!1!!!!!!!!!!
so basically good bye for a few days and if there are any important updates you two text me or .. something. while i still own my godamn cell phone.(i got a text the other night that made me happy)
ill miss some of u and ill miss some of u a lot so all in all
ill miss u guys!