
Apr 28, 2008 01:41

pixie did it so i shall too.

I. Seven things that scare you
1. Fire
2. Heights
3. Cars
4. Doctors
5. touching anything when i know i'm going to get a static shock
6. garbage disposals
7. Bathtubs

II. Seven things you like the most
1. My Sig Other
2. Games about killing baddies
3. Animals
4. Ebooks i can read on my DS
5. Drawing and getting it right.
6. Watching Top Chef
7. Meat

III. Seven random facts about you
1. I am the oldest of 3 kids.  I rule.
2. Very small children make my skin crawl.  No joke.  Its phobic.  mild but phobic.
3. I hate board games and other things with little pieces.
4. I cannot grow out my nails - they're too soft.
5. People think I'm a good person - actually, I'm just good at hiding the evil.
6. I could not keep my ears pierced - i heal up so fast that it would not take.  someday - i will have big ol' holes that they can't heal up, mahahaha
7. I really was supposed to be born male - my mother was mad that my cousin got my name instead of me - her brother's wife named her son (born like...3 weeks before me) the name Mom picked out, and then i was born a girl and she was always suspicious that somehow, my cousin had gotten my dick and made me a girl.  Alas - my peen!

IV. Seven things you plan to do before you die
1. Travel abroad - i want to see the world. by ocean voyage.
2. Actually publish this freaking book.
3. Own a Horse
4. Own a house with a pool
5. Learn to Belly dance. 
6. Learn a martial art.
7. Get my house clean.

V. Seven things you can do
1. Draw
2. Write
3. Play FPS games better than most of my friends, none of whom are good at FPS games except Bitgolem, and i can kill him daid if i am sneaky. (and only if i'm sneaky.)
4. Get most animals to let me touch them if they're even slightly tame.
5. Cook well enough to make most people happy.
6. String and shoot a bow.
7. Joint a Chicken

VI. Seven things you can't do
1. Dance
2. Stop cussing.
3. Give up good food.  Rather not eat at all than eat something i hate.  
4. Empty the dishwasher. 
5. Make up with anyone easily.
6. Deliberately kill a healthy unaggressive animal I'm not going to eat.
7. Math.

VII. Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex someone with whom I wish to have relations
1. Cash.
2. Intelligence and wit.
3. Dark hair and eyes.
4. A good heart.
5. A hint of evil.
6. some shape.  sticks need not apply.
7. Being willing to play silly games.

VIII. Seven things you say the most
1. Fuck
2. Fucktard
3. Shit
4. Where's the damned sauce pan/Fryingpan/dutch oven/good knife/random ingrediant
5. Ned, get off me.
6. what do you want to eat?
7. Let me reboot.

IX. Seven celebrity crushes
I dont' actually have any.  I can barely name any current celebrities.
I'll put down people i like instead. 
1.Johnny Depp
2.Arnold Schwartzenegger
3.Christopher Lee
4.Tim Burton
5.Kouta Hirano (creator of the Hellsing manga)
6.Severus Snape and/or Alan Rickman. (yeah yeah, snape's fictional.  i like him anyway.)
7.Padma on Top Chef.  seeing any woman who actually tries to lick a plate is adorable.  and cute.

7 songs Meme:

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your spring. Post these instructions in your LJ along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they're listening to.

Broken English ~ Schaft
the Gravity of Love ~ Enigma
the Sleeping Beauty Waltz ~ the Disney Version
If I only were a Goth ~ thou shalt not
Perfect 10 ~ Beautiful South
Chorus of the Furies ~ Faith and the Muse
Pirates of the Caribbean sounds from the MMO ~ Disney again
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