yesterday I went to ci-ci's with my family,and left with Elanna.
we went back to her house in the convertible.brr.
told her mom we were walking to the "corner store" =]
we got whipped cream-which didnt work!!-and donuts.
then we needed to buy a lighter so we walked to about 4 different gas stations..
none of them worked. so we bummed a cig off some 13 year old "lurv♥" with huge boobs.
we walked by the quality inn and saw some people in the workout room
so we decided to suprise them by banging on the window and pretending we were crazy
we never did.
actually,we did it after they left,cause we suck that bad.
we went home and then decided we wanted to swim
because we saw a pool at the quality inn that was so warrrm.
the pool at her condo was so cold though,so we snuck through the hotel next door's fence thing
(and scraped my leg!!)
but that pool was cold too =[.
back at elannas,I had cake and..SHIT! i just remembered i never put the ice cream back in the freezer...!
guess who doesnt care.
then we reminisced by listening to Blink 182,the best band EVER.
I forgot how much I loved them..<3333
even though there are still about 6 of their posters on my wall =]
woke up this morning with pains of DEATH in my stomach
(that sentence doesnt even make any sense....)
borrowed stole some socks that matched one of my shoe laces =x
we went to the bus stop by her condo and acted like prostitutes.
I met the creepy little midget =]
at the mall we saw hot-Anthony.
we went into Spencers and-I want the Mona Lisa curtain thing!!!-Jeff/Bobby called.
he asked us to come over so we did.
but first we got a pretzel, and told her mom we were going to see spongebob.
whats with all the handicapped people!!!
ugly feet woman was there with her husband,ugly face man. hahah
warts are so yucky.I feel bad to anyway who has them on their face.
then took 2 buses to his house which took TOO LONG. grr.
we played a sonic video game and flirted with baby mexicans ;-]
..the lurv♥ was scared/amused.!
at the transfer center,looking for a place to sit..
"dirty mexican or dirty mexican?" hahha
then to the bus driver-"so theres this road...." lmfao, shes so dumb.
there was a minister there..?
then we DID NOT have sex or "play around" or DRINK BOOZE GODDAMNIT.
no trees either =[=[
we DID have pee water though. hahah no.
p water = black people's fruit punch. =]=]=]
why do black folk keep their cookies in the fridge!?
he might have slipped us a roofie,but probably just peed in it instead..
we stole 2 hydrocodon? i think its called.
it kicked in a WAY long time later,and did jackshit.
it barely got me HIGH.
then we left and waited at the bus stop for like 15 minutes.
there were some niglets beating each other with brooms behind us..?
"holy shit! they duplicated already!!!!"
we got honked/called/waved at about 27 times.
no joke!
one of the guys that waved at us followed us to the transfer center!!!!
i am fucking serious..
after he waved,he drove by like 3 more times, then mysteriously drove behind us all the way there...?
but he wasnt following us..he just drove for 20 minutes to PISS! hah
I called my dad and told him elanna's mom was picking us up.
then we took the bus to the mall,which was a bad idea!
"I waved so come have sex with me!!!!!!"
on the bus I saw a Mexican-Alex Kulwicki. (did I spell that right?)
I swear to GOD it looked just like him.
he even did the squinty thing with his eyes..only difference:mustache.
we met Ghost? and some 32 year old..maybe.
they were "drunk"
"I bet she didnt shit right for a week..." lmfao.
saw the cute little Bible lady!!
and some more lurvs♥. ew.
knock knock snort snort giggle giggle?
I called my dad and got Abbie's number,but she didnt answer!!!!! =[=[
bummed some more cigs of some guy..
good news: I still hate cigarettes!!! =D
after NOT pushing the lurvs♥ to the food court we got on the bus to belltower
which is where we supposedly were the whole time..!? =x
we knew we were going to be late so I called my parents to see if they would come get me.
no go.
so i told them to come pick me up at elannas but wait a little cause we were..eating?
thats exactly how I said it too.haha.
then the bus took forever and a half to get there!!
I was gonna cry.
her mom thought my mom picked us up and took us out to dinner at Perkins (where she had grilled cheese,lol)
and my parents thought her mom picked us up and we were waiting at her condo.
and both our parents were on their way to her house,same time as us!
we were scared shitless dude.
we made it there and her mom had just pulled in so we were gonna wait for her to go inside...
but then she forgot her god damn key!
so i stayed across the street while elanna ran over and pretened like she was on the fone.
hahah, I was standing in the parking lot next to her dads short bus when i heard noise
and i thought she was coming out so i looked up and she wasnt and when i looked back down
her dads bus door was open..i was like HOLY SHIT. and ran behind a fuckin car.
i was so scared he saw me, dude. apparently he was in the bus the whole time..?! wtf. hah
then i had to wait in the fuckin cold for my grandma,who came like 30 minutes later!!
after elanna came running down to tell me she called.
then..i went home and..ate ramen?
sorry this was so god damn long.
I'm still kinda high/really fucking tired. heh