Semi-Triumphant Return

Jun 02, 2010 02:26

Back from Fanime.

Slept somewhere around 14 hours last night, to wake up and go to work. All in all, not a bad recovery.

It was enjoyable as always, I took no pictures since I didn't bring my camera. Due to a.... unfortunate hotel room incident, Fat Princess costumes were postponed until further notice (with aspirations to NOT wait a whole year til next Fanime to wear them, even if it's only just a backyard photoshoot), but Flora and Anton turned out excellently. We didn't really get any pictures other than our own and one faaaaabulous dude's, but neither have been posted yet, so you'll just have to wait with bated breath for pictoral proof.

Didn't buy much, other than a Tokidoki shirt and figurine, and another piece of Stitchmind art for my budding collection.

Nothing really amazing and unexpected happened, other than going on an adventure for a milk carton in the middle of the night with Jerry and being accosted by a very drunk gentleman trying a bit too hard to make friends, forcing Jerry to bust out his Asian gang/Dave & Busters drunk-dealing skills. I was very glad he stood up for Mia and I. :)

Oh yeah, the milk carton? For this:

See that little house? I made that house. :3 It said Ellie and had a little hand-print on the bottom, too.

mia, cosplay
