Posting from work, like the lazy champ I am.

May 20, 2010 18:47

Okay, to be fair there's no one here, so it's not like I'm shirking responsibilities by fucking around on the internet!

Prompted by boredom and Tia asking about it, I figured I'm due for a rundown of recent events.

So far in May I have:
-Aged up
-Went to Vegas
-Been privy to Jessica's Vegas wedding
-Rode one of the rides at the top of the Stratosphere
-Went to the Pawn Stars pawn shop in Vegas
-Eaten at far too many buffets
-Ate my first snail
-Hung out with Rosie, albeit briefly
-Went to SF for a day-trip
-Bought a lemon reamer
-Bought Mia a tube pan
-...learned what a tube pan is.
-Ridden a bike for the first time in YEARS
-Saw 2 movies in one day twice (First it was Date Night then Princess and the Frog, then Nightmare on Elm Street and Kick Ass)
-Saw Ben Folds (and Kate Miller-Heidke) in concert with Mia, Max, and Mike.
-Worked like a madwoman on cosplay for Fanime

Obviously the most noteable of those would be the shrimp enchiladas Jessica's wedding. It was small and a little slapdash but ultimately very nice and overdue. We all wore party dresses since it was last-minutey and hellz naw is Jessica the sort to drop bank on something you wear once. XD We actually spent more time looking for something for LB to wear and getting him a ring (we almost got one at Pawn Stars!) than the wedding and legal stuff itself. I have to get the disc of pictures the chapel photographer took so I can actually upload them onto the internet, since Jessica's only internet is through her iphone. Mia took some lovely pictures, as well, which I also want.

Uuuum, that's all I can think to say right now and I'm hungry anyway so Imma end this here. Feel free to ask for elaboration on any point if desired. :D

vegas, mia, max, birthday, cosplay, concert, work
