(no subject)

Apr 03, 2010 03:49

My feet are cold.

I'm due for an update, so here we go. At the moment I'm chillaxin' in the living room with Max and his boyfr'en Sean, who is visiting on his spring break from LA. They're playing Just Cause 2 and trying to do something or other with a helicopter, and I've just spent the past long while making ringtones. Hellz yeah Ponyo.

I worked today, and in my brilliance I spilled coffee all over myself en route. Luckily there's a Walmart on the way so I made myself a spare 10 minutes by speeding so I could pop in and buy a new scrub top so I wouldn't spend the day with a big ugly brown stain down the front of my white scrub top and smelling like cheap coffee. It's actually pretty cute and matched my pants (there was one that was cuter but didn't match. :( ) but I need to remember to wear a tank underneath under normal circumstances, or sew the overlapping boob bit together. I was paranoid I was flashing bra all day. ><

My car is all better and has been for a while now, but I have been driving the Eos because Paco has been using it in her carlessness. That has actually been remedied as of last week, with them buying a secondhand Nissan pathfinder, but it's actually a stick, which neither her nor LB know how to drive. They're still using Wuvvums until they strengthen up their calves and have a few training sessions with mom to get used to shifting. The car is actually turning out to be a bit of a can of worms, because they (accompanied by mom and I) bought it from a dude who advertised it on craigslist who they can now no longer contact at all because his number stopped working, and it didn't pass smog (a requirement to sell a car). They also found out that the damn odometer, which reads something like 87000 miles (impressive for a, what, 15 year old car?) IS BROKEN. IT'S STUCK. THAT CAR COULD BE A BILLION MILES OLD.

It actually runs astonishingly well, but it's concerning that the dude would lie so blatantly and try to scam them/us. :/

...I should have told them to walk away the second I realized the guy reminded me of Bartok, the bat from the cartoon Anastasia. THAT IS NOT GOOD JUJU.

Oh well, I'm sure it'll work out.

Mia comes home soon, which I'm happy about. :) We haven't hung out in a while, and she surely will have lots of pics and stories to share, plus she'll finally be free from the burden of school and not so very far away. We can finally get crackin' on cosplaaaaaaay. (God, I'm a nerd.)

I feel very scatter-brained at the moment. I blame the hour and my chilliness.

We visited Rosie and Chris for Heidianna's birthday a... week ago? Something like that. There was dramaaaaaaa but it all got sorted out afterwards, and we actually had some fun anyway. Beached it up and went to Medieval Times. That was a first for several of them, like Heidi and Max. I like being able to introduce people to new experiences, it makes me feel worldly.

I wanna go to Vegas for my birthday. People are actually all 21 noooow.... Hmm. I shall have to ponder.

I forgot how much I miss hanging out with Tia. I saw her while she was visiting for her spring break, albeit briefly, but she's just so peppy and energetic, it's impossible not to want to just hug her and jump up and down. WUBBOOZ TIAR. I wanna go to Chicago someday, and I expect you to house me and give me the grand tour, Missy!

I... can't think of anything else to say. Guess that's the end, then.