Oct 17, 2007 14:18
Stage lighting midterm is next Wednesday. Hm. Who hasn't learned shit in that class? That would be me. Like, actually. I don't know if I've retained any information in that god forsaken class. Oh dear.
Theatre History and Lit quiz was today and I aced it! I love it when I know answers. As dumb as that sounds. I hate tests with a firey passion and I never ever feel confident on them but I knew what the hell I was doing today and I aced it!!
Psych was a different story. Didn't know much on that one.
Midterm grades sure are going to be interesting.
I have midterm conferences with one of my acting teachers tomorrow. The one who told me that I don't do any work and that claims to know me well enough to know that I actually don't do any work. Hm. That whole speech he gave to me just came back. I'm pretty sure I did my best to blank it all out but it's definitely still there. Sometimes I think teachers are full of bull shit. But I guess the only thing I can do is prove them wrong. I guess that's the kind of buisness I'm in. I'm going to spend much of my life being told I'm not good enough and working my ass off to prove those people wrong. Oh what a profession I have chosen.
The rest of tonight and tomorrow should be a breeze and them I'm going home home home!
Things aren't so bad.