Jun 02, 2004 16:38
98% of eggs come from hens imprisioned in "battery cages." Usually 4 to 7 birds will live cramped in a wire cage the size of a folded newspaper-though each bird has a wingspan of 32 inches. These cages are tiered so feces and urine fall onto the animals below. Chickens' feet often grow around the slanted wire floor of their cage because they are packed so tightly together they can not even move. Almost all egg-laying hens, even "free-range" birds, have their beaks cut off to prevent cannibalism and injury from stress induced fighting. The birds are also "force molted"-their food and water are removed for up to 2 weeks to shock their bodies into another egg-laying cycle. Hens are killed when they no longer can produced eggs profitably. Baby chicks are thus hatched to replace them. If the baby is a male & unable to lay eggs, he killed at the hatchery at only a few days of age. Unless your eggs come from companion chickens or someoneyou know, you are supporting intense animal cruelty every time you buy or eat an egg- about 32 hours of caged cruelty per egg to be exact.
Cows used for dairy live the majority of their lives in concrete stalls. They are attached to automated milking machines that pump them for milk 3 times a day. To keep a cow lactating she will be kept constantly pregnant. She will either be "serviced" by a bull or artifically imprrgnated on what the dairy industry commonly referd to as a "rape rack." After 4-6 pregnancies and 4-6 years of production she will be sent to slaughter. A healthy cow will live 20-25 years. 10% of cows are so sick after 4-6 years that they can not even walk. These "downers" are literally drug and pushed to the slaughterhouse by a forklift. Baby calves, if male, will be sent to live in a veal crate. Female calves will be rased to replace their mom. Without the supply of calves from the dairy industry, the veal industry would not thrive. **Other interesting fact: if you drink a glass of milk a day for a year, you are consuming approximately 6 gallons of blood per year.**
Every year, over 10 billion land animals and billions more aquatic animals are abused and slaughtered for theur flesh. An additional one billion land anilams die every year from stress-induced disease or injury before slaughter. The average non-vegetarian will eat about 40 land animals and many more aquatic animals every year. Deep sea fish often experience decompression when caught. Their eyes can pop out of their heads and their stomachs can be pushed out through their mouth. Fish have developed nervous systems, like humans and other land animals, suffer when they are hooked or netted and forced to die of suffocation when pulled from the water. Fishing is raping out world's oceans-killing not only fish but other life as well. Shrimp trawling has devestated sea turtle populations worldwide. Industrial fishing results in enormous "by-catch"-non target animals caught (and usually killed) but tossed over board and not counted in a ship's quota. By-catch can range from 50% in long line fishing to as high as 90% in drift netting. 90% of all land animals killed for meat are chickens. Cutting out read meat but increasing chicken and fish consumption will only increase animals' suffering. Chickens killed for meat suffer the same de-beaking as egg-laying hens. While they usually are not in battery cages-they must live in filthy crouwded sheds sometimes with as many as 100,000 other birds. Chickens can not establish a pecking order over about 120 birds so the crowding and stress leads to constant fighting, causing injury and often death. Most pigs are raised in factory farms. they live their lives in a crate, often stacked one on top of the one another. To avoid tail-biting due to boredom and stress their tails are cut off when they are piglets. They also have their teeth pulled out or ground off to reduce loss due to fighting caused by stress. Males are also castrated without anesthesia when they are babies to make them less agressive. Mother pigs live their entire 5 year life in a "gestation crate." They give birth and nurse their young on a grated steel floor-literally being turned into baby making machines. Pigs often develop pneumonia from living in their own waste-the ammonia burns their sensitive noses and causes many piglets to die. All land animals, whether abused for eggs, dairy, or meat, will be transported to slaughter, traveling several days without food or water, usually exposed to the elements. Animals in the middle of the transport truck can die from suffocation while the animals on the outside freeze to death and sometimes even freeze to the steel sides of the truck. Most animals are slaughtered on an assembly line-with little attention given to each suffering individial. Chickens and turkeys have their legs slammed into shackles before their necks are funneled between two whirling blades. If they miss the blades, as many of them do, they are scalded to death before their feathers are removed. Pigs, cows, and sheep are usually shackled and hoisted by one leg. As the kill line moves they are first stuck in the chest with a knife, then they ahve their limbs cut off and finally their skin is ripped from their body. They are sometimes even alive when this happens.
Try egg replacer in cooking and tofu replacements for scrambled eggs. There are many vegan ice creams, milk, and meat substitutes that are comparable in price and taste great. There are also vegan alternatives to mayonaise, pudding, and cheeses.
Ok, that's my tid bit of information for you. I am a very strong vegetarian so...yea. If anyone wants a copy of the movie Meet your Meat tell me and I can send you one. It's a very true and very compelling factory farming and slaughterhouse documentary! I've seen it many times, the first time I couldn't watch all of it and it almost made me cry.