Jul 25, 2007 14:06
So I'm just sitting here playing pool with Earl on Yahoo. Thinking about Boot Camp. Shitty, but I talked a little bit to a girl that's home on RAP duty and she said Basic Training is mostly just a head thing, nothing too bad. She said it's just a mental problem. Apparently there's girls down there that can't do one pushup or one lap around the track so that's nice. I can definitely run 2 miles without stopping, which is what my final assessment is, it's just not EASY. But that doesn't matter because by the end of boot camp it will be just that- easy. 6 1/2 weeks of physical training 6 days a week is a lot of training. I'm not too worried about it anymore, it's moved on to the homesickness. It's getting a little too close for comfort here. 13 days and I'm out the door. Actually, 12 and I'm out the door to Lansing to stay the night at the MEPS. We have it all planned out so it will turn out nice. .my mom is making someone come with us so she doesn't have to drive back alone because she thinks she's going to be a wreck. So, we're driving down there Monday the 6th morning with my cousin and my aunt and going to their hotel. I guess we're dropping them off and me and my mom are going off and enjoying Lansing together for my last day in Michigan. I don't know what we're going to do but I guess it's just to spend time together before I take off. Then, she's dropping me at the Comfort Inn and she's going wherever and I'm getting up bright and early to swear in and get on the plane! I'm kind of excited but kind of upset at the same time. I cried this morning again over it but it's mainly just the fact that I've never been away from my family for so long. I've been on one vacation with my uncle and his family for a week to North Carolina. That's it. It's kind of intimidating.
I watched the BMT video at my recruiter's office last week and I liked it. It's so weird to see how we get woke up every morning! I've never seen someone get out of bed so fast! I'm excited for the structure and stability of Basic training. I can't wait to update my journal after towards the end of September and talk about it! It's going to be crazy! I can't wait to tell everyone how fucking nuts it was being in boot camp.
Anyways, there are some real tools on Myspace. First of all, if you have the balls to post a picture of yourself in fucking a bra and underwear on Myspace for the entire world to see, you either a) really need some attention or b) think you are Playboy material. I think it's mostly a.
Also, I'm sick of getting bulletins on my page that you are going to delete me if I don't add so and so. Delete me then. I won't have to read your gay ass bulletins. My self esteem does not ride on my friend count. Cock holes.
Myspace is just getting more and more annoying and it's so addictive. I'm kind of glad I can't get on it for 6 1/2 weeks!
Scott- I had a good time with you playing disc golf and watching Ordinary People. I will genuinely miss you after I leave. I almost started crying in the car on the way home!