May 05, 2006 14:37
Well well well, I guess you all know where I am, it’s my new home I don’t go anywhere else instead of work.
I haven’t been very social lately, just the usual drinks/parties on a Friday night, Saturday see Delong and if I can be bothered when he goes home go into town, that’s right people I go into town now and he doesn’t know! Lol Not that often though like once a month, otherwise I just go round to a mate’s house.
The new drinking campaign we have here on TV crack’s me up a little, the message is; Quote it’s not the drinking it’s how we’re drinking Unquote. On the ads they have the same person but doubled up, so one drunk as a mother fucker and the other sober standing there going omg it’s me, what am I doing?!?! Anyways the point I’m trying to make is, on one of the ad’s there is this dude and he comes home and then his sober self starts talking about being an alcoholic, his drunk self is all like lay off I can go ages with out having a drink and his sober self’s going yea but when you do you go over board; come the fuck on; people drink to get drunk right? Please tell me if I’ve got it horribly wrong, but I don’t do shot’s of vodka because I like the taste; who does like straight vodka? I do it so I can get totally trolled and have an awesome time… Why else do people drink, this is what I’m asking all of you.
I suppose you’re all thinking that I’m probably one of those binge drinking teenagers that gets trollied to forget all of her problems, well you are wrong I hardly ever drink and when I do it’s just to have fun, I don’t reach for the half bottle of 1liter Vodka I have beside’s my bed every time I get into trouble at home, or Delong get’s in a shit with me or when I fail an assignment, No I yell and scream and throw things around with no damage being done to my liver.
Alcohol is such a weird subject, the bastards are thinking of raising the drinking age to 21, that’s ridiculous it should stay at 18, at 18 we can vote, smoke, drive a car, own a house, boat whatever, get a loan and go to jail, with all the shit in the world and all the stress we have everyday; they are going got make us suffer and have to smoke weed or some shit to relax instead of doing the normal standard 5 shots of vodka, this is all because the stupid people of this fucking nation are all stuck up tight ass’s and have nothing better to do than bitch and moan about the youths of this country. Well if Helen Mr. man three balls fucking Clark didn’t let all the fucking bongers in this fucking country we wouldn’t have AS MUCH crime and binge drinking and fucking abuse and all that other bullshit in this country.
As you can see I have very strong views on this and that last paragraph probably doesn’t make much sense because I was so enraged and just needed to get it all out…
Anyone that has lived or lives’ in New Zealand I feel sorry for you deeply but you’ll know what I’m talking about.
I’ve got work at 5 and because I fucked up the weeks I’m killing time before I hop on the bus and go to work. After work tonight I’m going to go out with some mates I haven’t seen in ages so should be really cool, I miss everyone I never get to see them anymore. I’m going to the ball this year! Yay should be really fun, we are going on a party bus, I might ask Delong to come to the after ball just so I don’t feel so alone, cause you know everyone will be hooking up with everyone and yea, I wonder if we will go to the actual after ball or go to a mates house, anyways a little while to go yet.
I will update soon,
Mwah love me.