Christmas Pressies!!

Dec 23, 2005 21:32


Hope your christmas is going well! And I really do hope you like your Christmas present. I couldn't wait until Christmas day to send it to you, so I'm doing it now! :)




How's your Christmas break going? I saw this and thought of you! Hope you like it! Happy Christmas!




OMGosh! I haven't talked to you in soooo long! How are things? ;) Well, anyway, I hope your like your present and have a happy Christmas!




Happy Christmas! Hope you enjoy your present. I saw it while shopping with my mum and I thought of you!




Happy Christmas!! Hope it's going well. Hope you like your present, too!




Happy Christmas! Enjoy your present! Come see me soon, okay? :)




Hope you're enjoying your holiday! Hope you like your present, as well! I saw it and I thought it was really pretty! Anyway, come visit Charlotte and I again soon!




Thanks for offering to help me bake cookies that one time! And I hope you enjoy your gift. I know it's a bit silly, but you always make cookies with your little sister and it reminded me of you!




Happy Christmas! I saw this and it reminded me of you because you're in Hufflepuff! Hope you like it!




I hope that your holiday is going reallyyyy good! I haven't seen you in a while. :( So come see me soon, okay? :) Ooh, and I hope you like your present! It reminded me of that time when I came over your house to paint over the summer!




Happy Christmas! I know we haven't spoken much this year, but I saw this and thought you might like it!



Hi Draco!

I just had to get you a Christmas gift! It's to keep your hair nice and prettyful and guess what?! It's even tearless! And it's made by a company with 'Royal in their name! And it's green, too! Hope you like it!



Hi Rian!

OMGosh I saw this and like, thought it was SUPER cute and I just had to get it because it reminded me of you! I'm not sure why, but it did! Hope you like it!!!! :)


ooc; If I forgot someone, just poke me and tell me! :) Ooh, and just so you know, the owls are in no particular order. I had to use the userinfo to make sure I got everyone, so mainly it's just categorized according to the house. And I also used links so that it would be a little easier. :)
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