word. new thing. im posting like a madwoman!!

Jun 07, 2004 18:51

i love erin harris.

stolen from KATE-
A is for age: 15
B is for boyfriend: why No.
C is for career: None.
D is for dad's name: John Anthony
E is for essential item to bring to a party: Insturments, Tight Pants.
F is for favorite song at the moment: Bright Eyes- Lover I dont have to love.
G is for girlfriend: One again is why No.
H is for hometown: River.
I is for instruments you play: kazoo, bass, handstand.
J is for jam or jelly you like: Strawburry.
K is for kids: Eh, not interested at the moment.
L is for living arrangements: Mom, Dad, Lucielle Balle and CoCo Chanel.
M is for Mother's name: Diane. Little Diddy.
N is for name of your best friend: Sarah, Kate, Zakir, Albert, Madi, Brian T, India, Holler.
O is for overnight hospital stays: Thats A big Negative Ghostrider..
P is for phobia[s]: I have three fears: Clowns, being alone, Spiders, Bootylicious.
Q is for quote you like: Through Music you Can Live Forever.
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Nine Mos, enough to have a Baby kids.
S is for sexual position: In the back of a volkswagen.
T is for time you get up: as late as possible.
U is for unique trait(s): I am absolutely average.
V is for vegetable you love: Celery, Is celery a vegetable?
W is for worst habit: Kind-Of Controlling, Yeah.
X is for x-rays you've had: Teeth, Penis.
Y is for yummy food you make: Brownies.
Z is for zodiac sign: mother fuckin leo.
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