Mar 29, 2005 18:34
woo i made rhiannon a livejournal, now i gatta make one for myra. this is entertaining lol i suck but im better than before. like my first layout with the little itty bitty sex and the city picture. yikes lol. but neways i have nothing to rite. ick school started back. im ganna try and do better this quater, like i say every quater. but by the time it gets to like the 2nd week i develope my 8th grade senioritis and i dont care nemore lol. .like today in trifus class, me rhi and dave just talked the whole time about bringing a straightner and crimper to school lol. were losers. so yea i didnt finesh any work. but neways this weekend was borinng.. saturday i slept in late and me and my mom and sister went on like a shopping spree cause we told her she doesnt buy us any clothes any more. nd then sunday we went to the park all day. ugh i have cramps im ganna go and talk online . xoo. sry for the dumb update - but i needed at least one entry lol. leave a comment gorgeous !