(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 17:11

Okay so I'll do a quick update.

On Friday, school was the usual. Had the math portion of the test thing. Thank God Monday's the last day for it. The rest of school was pretty lame and boring as normal. After school Orianna, Melissa, Bailey, Arlene and me walked to Bailey's. She had to stay home and clean so we left and walked to Ori's house. Arlene went home though. So then we called Bailey and asked if she wanted to go to Burger King with us. So we went down to her house to pick her up. Then we were walking to Burger King and we saw Arlene so she came with us. So we went there and ate. There were some pretty cute old guys there checking us out ;o). Then we all went into Shell across the street and bought some candy and stuff. Some fat guy was checking out Ori's ass and he licked his lips at her. Ahaha it was funny shit. Then we met up with Sarah at Elm St. and we embarassed Melissa Arlene and Bailey. It was great. Then Arlene Bailey and Melissa went home and we just hung out for the night. Then I spent the night at Sarah's. On Saturday I didn't really do anything at all. We ordered pizza and watched movies and scrubbed it out all day :o). Today I didn't do crap either. So it was a pretty boring weekend, but hey they always are :o).

I got bored so I did a survey.

[ x ] Spell your first name backwards- aeslehc
[ x ] Wallet - duct tape
[ x ] Hairbrush - silver and black and my other one is green and white
[ x ] Toothbrush - blue and white
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily - 3 pairs of earrings and my black red + pink bracelets
[ x ] Pillow cover - purple and blue/green and it's striped
[ x ] Blanket - purple, blue/green and green
[ x ] Sunglasses - don't have any
[ x ] Underwear - blue and turquoise
[ x ] CD in stereo right now - either coheed and cambria or a mix
[ x ] Piercings - 6 (3 in each ear)
[ x ] What you are wearing now - gray sweatpants and an orange sweatshirt
[ x ] Hair - pony tail
[ x ] Makeup - eyeliner

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)

[ x ] In my head - a step behind lyrics
[ x ] Wishing - a few things
[ x ] After this - a movie and/or food
[ x ] Talking to - was talking to john but he's away now
[ x ] Eating - nothing
[ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone,who would it be? - no one
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now: my sisters
[ x ] Is next to you - sneakers and headphones
[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - cold mountain, orange county, taking lives
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - warmer weather?
[ x ] The last thing you ate - peanut butter cup ice cream
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of - spiders, no matter the size
[ x ] Do you like candles - yes
[ x ] Do you like hot wax - nah
[ x ] Do you like incense - yeah
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - hm idk
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - no
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - hmm like 34 hours maybe?
[ x ] What's one thing you want to happen tomorrow - no clue

[my name is]: chelsea
[love is]: something special
[i dream about]: weird stuff

-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .
[had sex]: no
[made love]: no
[been in love]: no
[cried when someone died]: yes
[lied]: yes

-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[coke or pepsi]: pepsi
[flowers or candy): flowers are good but then again so is candy
[tall or short]: tall

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: hair
[last person u slow danced with]: peanut :)

-W H O-
[makes you laugh the most?]: sarah and mike
[makes you smile]: mike
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: =]
[do you have a crush on?]: =]
[has a crush on you?]: no body
[easiest to talk to]: lindsay. she listens to all of my boring shit i have to say :o)

-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]: no
[save aol/aim conversations]: only when they're really long and i want to show somebody it :)
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: no
[cried because of someone saying something to you]: yea

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: no
[been rejected]: yea
[rejected someone]: yes
[used someone]: no
[been cheated on]: nope
[done something you regret?]: of course

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: mike or should i say conor oberst? hahah :)
[hugged]: peanutttt
[you instant messaged]: alicia
[you laughed with]: sarah

-D O .Y O U-
[color your hair]: i have but only once
[ever get off the damn computer?]: yess
[habla espanol]: sort of

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]: yuckie no
[obsessive]: sometimes
[could you live without the computer?]: hmm idk it'd be boring
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: 180
[drink alcohol?]: hardly ever
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: physical
[trust others way too easily?]: yes

-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken?]: zero
[of hearts i have broken?]: zero
[of boys i have kissed?]: uhmm
[of girls i have kissed?]: one
[of tight friends?]: about 4
[of cd's that i own?]: a lot but i only listen to like 10 of them
[of things in my past that i regret?]: a few things

-R A N D O M-
[describe your perfect guy/girl]:black skater hair, tall, gauged ears, green or blue eyes, great sense of humor, good taste in music, lip piercing.
[favorite food?]:alfredo sauce and noodles
[any pets?]: my kitty jayde
[any siblings?] two sisters. jamie & catherine

comments would be nice <3
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