April 17th- 4months for me and Jord.

Apr 12, 2005 10:19

Well my birthday is coming up soon, and shit i still have to make my invitation thingys....and asho ill just call you and let you know everything, or email or you or w/e. im so excited and asho you lucky bitch you're already 16 grr. i hate being 15...hey have you gone for your drivers test or anything yet?? well i know one thing that im getting for my birthday....from Jordan....a gold ring with 3 diamonds. OMG! he got it from "Peoples Diamond Store" like holy crap that stores effing expensive....like he had soo much money in his bank account and now hes only got like 150$ he said it cost alot, like almost the same as his bike, and his bike was like 1,800$ so yea i dunno its that expensive, hes like i saw rings in there that were lik 4,000$ so maybe it is, if it is holy shit, ill like pass out when i see it...well when i get it ill post a picture of it. eheh and some new pics of me and jordan, im getting professional pics done at gyro park before my birthday;when were all dressed up. with me, my mom, grandparents, laura, jordan, and his dad...and maybe mine. we might get some black and white i want one of me and laura and then me and jordan black and white. so i still have to go shopping..and laura might get this black and white polka dot dress in maraposa it looks SOOOOOO cute on her. she better buy it. i gotta go shopping :( grr i hate shopping, yes i know...i hate shopping..and im a girl...but i just wish i knew it would fit then buy it, well i dont hate shopping i hate the fact of trying it all on, which really sucks. anyway im bored..im in planning class right now, then i have social studies, then science...and i have a test and i know nothing about it, god damn circulatory and respiratory system shit. grr i hate it. and they blocked nexopia on the fucking computers which sucks, because i love nexopia. well i hadnt updated in awhile and im bored so i decided to update it at school, since were not doing anything. anyway bye bye. ♥
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