Jul 21, 2005 11:14
seems like i havent wrote in forever? maybe cuz i sorta haven't. well lets see. nothing really has happened. yesterday me and becky rode bikes to Calefs cuz we wanted to? lol. thats wat we do in Barrington for funn!! 8] and then we came back to beckys house and hung out and we were really hyper [hence: the candy!?] OH AND I GOT A PICKLEE!! :D and yeah, my dad didnt pick me up til like 9:30 cuz my sister horse gt hurt, and he might have to be put done if he gets an in fection from the cut he got :[ cuz shes doesnt want to waste thousands of dollars on him, bcuz hes not worth it. but yeah so that was about it and today i'm doing nothing. cept b-ball tonight. and tomorrow maybe the beach with my sister? but idk. so yeah and nothing the rest of the days. cept Monday maybe somehting @ Chelles?? hmm, idk. well ill write sometime later <3 byee
wats up with no one commenting anymore? r u sick or sumthing :P ;]
p.s. Happy birthday KK!!