to the above comment, i've learned, in much of my research on animal rights and the like, that what centers put out in the press and what the actual animal center does are typically two completely different stories.
What type of research, specifically, has yielded this information?
Why would the city of detroit want such a bad rep around the holiday filled with good spirits and warm, touching moments. in most cases they put out press statements to keep the public at ease. Though they may not put the entire shelter to sleep the great possibility of them even putting half of the shelter to sleep could still in fact be quite true.
In most cases? Do you have any specific instances on which you are basing your ideas, or is just that you think that what you're saying could possibly (and therefore probably?) be true? How did you come up with the idea that there is a "great possibility of them even putting half of the shelter to sleep?" Your entire rant is a fallacious appeal to probability, where's the evidence (beyond the baseless claim)?
I think that this a case of truth getting in the way of idealism. But I agree with you in one regard, if you can "help", in the sense of being able to adopt an animal that might otherwise be euthanized, that would be a very noble thing to do.
What type of research, specifically, has yielded this information?
Why would the city of detroit want such a bad rep around the holiday filled with good spirits and warm, touching moments. in most cases they put out press statements to keep the public at ease. Though they may not put the entire shelter to sleep the great possibility of them even putting half of the shelter to sleep could still in fact be quite true.
In most cases? Do you have any specific instances on which you are basing your ideas, or is just that you think that what you're saying could possibly (and therefore probably?) be true? How did you come up with the idea that there is a "great possibility of them even putting half of the shelter to sleep?" Your entire rant is a fallacious appeal to probability, where's the evidence (beyond the baseless claim)?
I think that this a case of truth getting in the way of idealism. But I agree with you in one regard, if you can "help", in the sense of being able to adopt an animal that might otherwise be euthanized, that would be a very noble thing to do.
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