Aug 16, 2004 13:06
write ten phrases about the people you know, but don't address them to anyone.
1. Even though I've just became friends again with you this year, I trust you more than anyone I know. I honestly feel like I can tell you anything, and you won't even tell your fish. You're always making me laugh at stupid things, and I want to stay friends with you forever. I want our kids to be friends. That would be so cool. Haha.
2. I miss you, so incredibly much. There's no one else I'd rather see at anytime. I'm sure if I could talk to you in person again, I'd fall completely in love with you. I just wish we talked more now. And I wish we lived closer. But I guess there's nothing I can do about that. And I guess that we may never get to meet again, but you have to return my panties sometime. You're such an incredible person. You always know when to say what; you always say the right thing. Your heart is in the right place, and you're always putting me before yourself. I really don't deserve to even know you. But I got lucky, and I love you.
3. Thank you. You always invite me on vacations. And I always have the best time. Even though you make me laugh so hard I almost pee. And I yell that out, too. Your family is the only one who can poke fun at me, and I don't really mind that much. I feel so comfortable in your house and with your family. I usually like them better than my own. Even though that sounds bad.
4. I get jealous of your friendship with, . And you two do so much together, and I'm never around to hang out. I know it's more of my fault, since I haven't really been in town all summer, but I feel like if you two get close enough, I'll be totally out of the picture. I don't want that. I don't really feel like I have many other friends besides you guys.
5. As much of a horrible person it may make me sound like, I hate seeing you happy. Unless I'm the one making you smile. It's like part of me loves most everything about you, but the other part just wants to move on. But it's like you're all I think about. And I can't feel anything from anyone other than you. (isn't that a song?) I was okay for a few months. But then I wanted you back. Just do something horrible to me, so I can forget about you. That's honestly what I need.
6. I wish I had your clothes. They are so great. But I think everyone always wants what everyone else has. My tongue always freezes in my throat when I'm around you. I never want to say anything that you're going to disapprove of. I feel so unimportant and immature next to you. Yep. But I would still like to be friends with you again. And make the discomfort go away. Really. And I'm never sure if you don't like me at all, or what. But you seem like a really fun person. And even though we're friends with different people now, it would be cool to hang out. I'd have to have conversation topics before hand, though. As stupid as that sounds. I never know what to say to you.
7. You've been the best kind of friend to me, like out of my whole life. Sure, I don't always agree on the decisions you make. And you may not always live up to your word, but you've done so much for me. I adored you, back when we were reallyyy good friends. I thought you were the shit, and that I had to be like you to be accepted. Which is actually kind of sad. I really shouldn't have been like that, basing my life on someone elses so that other people would like me. But that was over two years ago. And thank you. ♥. You're one of the main people who have made me the person I am today. As cheesy as that sounds.
8. Let's get married. Tomorrow. Really. I know I could be happy with you. For a guy, you don't dress half bad. You're quick to make me smile, and I already trust you. I'm sorry for hitting you, though. Hard. And like seven times. You know I love you.
9. You decided to look beyond my bitch stares and rough exterior, and become my friend. Thank you. I really needed to be friends with someone like you. Just being around you makes me smile, because you're such a fun and funny person. You're always quick to invite me out with your other friends. You've really helped me since I like to be socially inept.
10. We've been friends for a better half of a decade. And we made up our Tee&Ty. And we used to want the exact same thing in life, but that's really changed. I don't see you really, ever anymore. And I was lucky to stay in at least one of your classes this year, so we could stay friends. You make everything seem so, basic. It's like being in elementary school all over again. You appreciate the simple things in life, and I could learn a lot from you. I love your house, too. I love your mom's lasagna. That's the best. You have the nicest family I know, and I'm lucky to be friends with you. You need to come over sometime. exohhhhhh.