[music| watching the polar express]
dude, tell me this isn't weird.
i got a new tower !! im backkkk. finally.
like i totally don't know where to start?
im like left out on everyones life. is everyone
still alive &stuff ? lol anything important happen.
cuz i need to know this stuff.
lets see, im not guna make this long cuz i have other
stuff that i want to do before i go to bed..
to just catch up on things, nate &i are still together.
december 21st will be 2 years. jess is home from carolina
for 2 weeks for christmas. i miss her bunches.
still working at kohls &the disney store. I worked at both
tonight. im tired as hell but when i walked in my room &
saw a tower sitting next to my bed i became wide awake lol
my mom told me a couple days ago that my uncle gave my cousin
danny a tower for me that he had left over from his office that
he works in. &he has had it for awhile. lol she was right in
not telling me that my cousin had it cuz i would have been
asking her every day 'is it done yet, can i have my computer?'
lol smart one she is. but im happy i have something now.
&it doesn't freeze !! soooo nice.
hmm what else ..i have a feeling im guna be on here for the rest
of the night. 5 rolls around im still on the computer. lol i kinda
gotta get used to it all over again. I mean at the most when i updated
on here over the past couple months that was the most that i ever got
on the computer. that &i almost always check my bank account online
all the time now.
ok. i promise to write more tomorrow. im starting to get tired.
i love you all, im so happy to be back. &you all need to leave
me messages about how happy you are to hear from me &to have me
back on eljay !!