Nov 24, 2005 16:07
hiiiiiiiiii guys. i just wanted to wish everyone a happy turkey day.
im sorry that i have been gone for god knows how long lol but i seriously
think my cousin forgot about me &my computer. which really sucks but i have
a feeling that if i haven't gotten it back yet something fishy is going on.
like maybe im getting a new one for christmas or something like that.
we should soon find out.
work is going good, nate &i are still together &doing well.
jess is home for the week &its been TONS of fun. i have
missed her soooo much lol. but sadly she is going back to
school on monday for two weeks &than back for christmas.
i can't even believe that its thanksgiving. &than its guna
be christmas. i can't wait to decorate. lol
ok well im guna head out. i need a nap. i'll need to be at
kohls tomorrow for 4;30 in the morning. lol we open at 5.
so you can imagine that i need to get my sleep. love you all.
hope everything is going well. if you ever want to talk you
can text me or call me. 401-787-5910