(no subject)

Apr 04, 2005 17:36

Title: Bundle of Joy, Part Five
Band/Pairing: Simple Plan, Evanescence, MCR, H.I.M, and the Used.  Gerard, Bert, Mikey, Spencer Chamberlain, Bam Margera, Amy Lee,  and Ville Valo
Author: Me, the mistress
Rating: G
Summary: Ape comes to visit her new grandbaby and the boys get a sad phone call.

http://www.livejournal.com/community/__vam/530620.html?thread=5377468 chapter four

http://www.livejournal.com/community/theusedslash/43921.html#cutid1 chapter three

http://www.livejournal.com/community/theusedslash/43010.html#cutid1 chapter two

http://www.livejournal.com/community/theusedslash/42631.html#cutid1 chapter one

"Aw, you are just the cutest thing I have ever seen!" Ape cooed, holding her new granddaughter in her arms.

"Whats about me?" Mikey pouted.

Ape smiled and ruffled his soft brown hair.

"Well, all my grandbabies are the cutest things in the whole wide world," Ape said.

"What about me, Ape?" Bam pouted, before shooting her a wry smile.

Ape rolled her eyes.

"Yeah I guess you’re pretty cute as well."

Claire curled up into Ape’s chest and started to suck her thumb.

"Bam, I hate to say this, but you’re not getting her back. I’m taking this sweetie pie home with me," Ape said, stroking Claire’s soft brown hair.

"I don’t think so, Ape. Ville and I happen to like this baby girl, but you know you can come and visit any time you want," Bam said, picking Mikey up.

Mikey smiled and wrapped his arms around Bam’s neck. Ape rocked Claire some.

"You know that I’ll be over here everyday. I can see you two trying to raise a little girl now," Ape said, rolling her eyes.

Ville walked into the kitchen, holding Gerard’s hand. Gerard let go of his hand and hugged Ape’s leg. He loved his grandma a lot; she was the best, coolest, and prettiest woman in the world to him. Ape smiled and leaned down to give him a kiss on the head. Gerard smiled. Sometimes it made him mad when Bam did mean things to his grandma, like destroying her stuff. She was nice.

"Let me hold her, please," Gerard politely demanded.

Ape smiled and placed little Claire in Gee’s arms. Gerard smiled and patted the baby’s head. He liked his little sister a lot. It was Mikey he wished would go away. Mikey was such a nerd and always wanted to play with him and Bert. Ville placed a gentle hand on top of Gerard’s silky black hair.

"You like your little sister?" Ville asked.

Gerard nodded.

"She has daddy’s eyes," Gerard said, gazing into the baby’s green eyes.

"Yes, that she does," Ville smiled.

Gerard handed the baby back to Ape, who cuddled her and sang her a soft lullaby. Gee smiled; she used to sing that song to him.

"Come on, Mikes, it’s time for your nap," Bam said.

Mikey nodded and grabbed Ivory, who was lapping up some spilled milk on the kitchen counter.

"No, no, no Ivory, milk makes you sick," Mikey said, cradling her like a baby and kissing her pink nose.

Ivory mewled and Bam carried Mikey to his bedroom. He placed his baby boy on his bed, covered in white and blue checkered covers.

"Sleep well baby," Bam said, kissing his son’s forehead.

Mikey cuddled Ivory against him and fell right to sleep. Bam went back into the kitchen, where Gerard was on the counter, drawing a picture. Ape was feeding Claire a bottle and just beaming. Bam smiled softly. It was nice seeing Ape happy. Ville was mashing up a banana.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bam asked, watching his ‘husband’.

"Making baby food for Claire. I don’t trust that pre packaged shit they sell in the store," Ville said, continuing to mash the banana.

"We feed the boys the store bought baby food, and they turned out fine," Bam said.

Ville didn’t reply to that and finished mashing up the banana and added a little bit of milk to the mashed up dish.

"Ah, I see. Someone has been waiting for a little girl to spoil," Bam grinned, wrapping his arms around Ville’s slender waist.

Ville blushed slightly.

"Perhaps. I mean I love our sons, but I have to admit that I have always wanted a daughter," Ville said, digging a baby spoon out of the drawer.

Bam placed a gentle kiss on Ville’s cheek, making him smile.

"Do you want to feed her, Ape?" Ville asked.

"I would love to, but I think she needs some time with her daddies and I have some errands to run today," Ape said, gently placing Claire in her little bouncy chair.

Ape gave Gee a kiss on his cheek and he smiled and handed her the drawing he had made of her holding Claire.

"Oh, how wonderful. I’ll put this on the fridge when I get home," Ape praised, putting the picture in her purse.

"Bye, Ape," Ville said, kissing her cheek.

Bam gave her a hug before she left and Ville went about feeding Claire. Bam lifted Gee off the counter and sat down with him in a chair and watching Ville. Gee leaned his head on Bam’s chest.

"I wanna have a baby with Bert," Gee said.

"Uh, well," Bam wasn’t sure how to respond to that statement.

Gerard looked up at Bam with those hazel eyes of his and smiled.

"Yep, when me and Bert get married we’re gonna have babies like you and daddy," Gerard nodded.

Ville smiled and cleaned up Claire’s face.

"You going to give your daddies lots of grandbabies?" Ville asked.

"Yep, five," Gerard said.

"Fantastic," Ville replied, picking Claire up and placing a rag on his shoulder in order to burp her.

"I want more sisters," Gerard said.

Ville smiled and patted Claire’s back and she spit up a little. Gerard wrinkled his nose.

"Ewww," he said.

Ville laughed.

"You did the same thing when you were a little baby and if you want five babies you better get used to it," Ville said.

"Then I make Bert do all the nasty stuff," Gerard said.

Both Bam and Ville laughed.

"And you’ll have the babies?" Bam asked.

"Yep, we’ll be like you and daddy."

"Good deal," Bam smiled.

"I still want more sisters. No brothers, they are icky and nerdy like Mikey. Claire pretty and cool," Gerard said.

Ville suppressed a smile.

"That’s not nice, Gee. Mikey isn’t that bad. And maybe you’ll get more sisters, but for now we’ll give daddy a break from having babies for awhile," Ville said, holding a now sleeping Claire.

"Cool," Gerard smiled.

The phone rang and Ville picked it up.

"Hello?" he asked

Bam watched Ville listen intently and started to get worried when a concerned look crossed Ville’s face.

"Alright, we’ll be right there," Ville said, clicking the phone off.

"What’s wrong?" Bam asked.

"That was David, it’s Amy. She’s been in a car wreck."
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