Love you like I do

Sep 15, 2013 11:35

Title: Love you like I do
Author: vam_story_lover
Rating: PG13-NC17
Pairing vam
Summary: Bam and Ville have split up. Ville was stupid and is sorry. But Bam isn't ready to forgive, When Bam meets someone else, will Ville even have a chance at getting Bam back. Or is it to late.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything or anyone mentioned. This story is made and just a bit of fun.

Chapter 6

"Ok what time are the guys getting here then". Bam smiled as the brothers broke from the hug. "Their not, we are meeting them at the pub". Jess laughed.
"Ok I suppose I should go take a shower then". Bam laughed back and started to head for the bathroom.
"Yeah, but don't take to long Bam, I still need to shower before we go". Forty five minutes later and the boys were dressed and ready to go. Jess had thrown on a black cky hoodie(promoting to take his band further) and a pair of blue baggy jeans and black skate trainers. Bam looked his brother over in confusion as Jess had always put a nice dress shirt on to go out. Jess just shrugged and replied
"Who cares, I cant be bothered tonight". Jess looked Bam over and noticed he was all dressed up to go out, which he was pleased about. His brother was wearing a black button down long sleeve dress shirt, a pair of snug light blue jeans and a black pair of skate trainers , much like his own. Jess had also noticed that Bam had trimmed his stubble a little bit and ran a brush through his hair. The other thing Jess had noticed that Bam was wearing eyeliner.

"Come on Bam, time to go". Jess put his arm around his brothers shoulders and moved him to the door. As his hand was about to reach the doorknob, the boys heard their mother say
"Jess, Bam wait". The boys turned around in time to see April throw herself on to Bam, giving him a extremely tight hug.
"Umm.. mum I love you to, but your kinda suffocating me". Bam mumbled, as his face was pushed into his mothers shoulder.
"Mum let Bam breath, Christ". Jess laughed as April finally let her son go.
"You two be safe now. you know how I worry. Jess you need to look after Bam, you know how fragile he is. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid". April looked to Jess and threw a hug to him as well.
"I will mum, don't worry". Jess felt his air circulation being constricted as his mum gave him a equally tight hug.
"Don't worry mum we will be fine, promise". Bam smiled as he kissed his mother on the cheek and both boys walked out the door.

As the taxi pulled up outside the bar, Jess paid and stepped out. Bam held back as he felt anxiety shoot through the roof. He felt a bit nervous on the ride over, but now he was actually here, it made him feel sick. He hasn't seen his friends in so long and now he was supposed to meet them like nothing had ever happened. Bam had cut himself off from the very people he calls friends. How was he supposed to face them when he shut them out so horribly. When they heard the news of one of their closest friends had split up with the only man that will ever love, they had offered him loads of support, they had told him that they would always be there for him. But what did Bam do, he stupidly told them to shove it up their asses and leave him alone. Jess turned to look at Bam still seated in the taxi staring off into space with his head in his hands, elbows rested on his knees. Not wanting Bam to think of Ville, Jess reached in and shook his brothers shoulder lightly, snapping him from his daze.

"Your thinking of Ville are you". Bam looked up to his brother and shook his head.
"No I'm thinking about how I treated my fiends when I had split up from him". bam looked down at his lap again and let out a weak sigh.
"Bam the guys know why you acted the way you did. you were a complete wreak over Ville till just recently, they wont shun you out because of that".
"I guess your right".
"Right now come on, the guys are waiting".

As Bam walked through the doors of the pub with Jess behind him, his eyes fell to his group of friends standing at the bar, waiting to be served. Whatever nervous feelings Bam had about seeing his friends again, vanished when Dico turned around and gave him a huge smile. "Bam you came". Dico yelled. As he got up to give Bam a hug, the rest of the group turned and walked towards them.
"Oh your alive then". Rabb teased as he went to hug Bam.
"Yes I'm alive you goon". Bam joked.
"Its good to see you Bam. Your looking a lot better than the last time we saw you". Rake said. Johnny who was standing next to Rake nodded his head in agreement.
"Yeah you do look better Bam. How are you feeling now".
"I still miss him if that's what you mean, but its only just started to get a little bit easier. I'm sorry its been so long you guys".
"Ok guys I don't want Bam to walk down memory lane again, so why don't you guys get a table and I will order drinks and we can get this thing started". Jess smiled.

As Jess ordered the drinks, he heard a familiar smooth voice he hadn't heard in years and felt a familiar petite body softly brush against his back to stand beside him.
"Hey stranger". Jess smiled slightly and bit his lip. He turned his body slightly and looked at the blonde smiling at him.
"Hey Jonne long time no see, how have you been".
"I have been good thanks, the band is a hit back home. We are trying to crack America now. It seems to be a bit difficult though".
"Don't worry Jonne your band will be a big hit here. You guys are awesome".
"Aww thank you Jess". Jess felt Jonne slide his hand up his forearm to his shoulder, sweeping down to play with the strings on his hoodie. Jess gasped softly as Jonne shifted closer to him.
"So sweetie, how have you been". jess felt a slight sweat break out all over his body as he watch Jonne's fingers twirl the strings on his hoodie.
"um..I'm..I'm ok, the band is doing well. But Bam isn't doing so well though".
"Oh what's wrong, I hope its nothing serious".

Jess soon relaxed under Jonne's gentle concern and told him everything Bam had been through. "Poor kid, I still haven't met Bam have I". Jonne removed his hand from Jess' hoodie and looked around for Jess' friends. As his eyes stopped on said table, he noticed a young boy was sitting with them. Jonne raked his memory but couldn't place him. He would certainly remember this handsome guy. Jonne noticed the boy's black silk shirt cling to his strong chest and biceps. He bit his lip lightly as his eyes ravaged the boy shamelessly. He was soon wondering if the boy's dark chocolate curls were as soft as they looked. Jonne was soon feeling the familiar tightening in his jeans as he looked from the boy to Jess. Now Jonne had instantly took a liking to Jess when they first met, they got to know each other really well and soon were a lot closer than most male friends. But they always had a unspoken rule. Have fun and nothing serious. That's how it has always been the first night they had fooled around. And because Jonne knows that it wont be anymore than fun when they are lonely, that is why Jonne will never admit his deeper feelings for his friend.

As Jonne looked back over to the boy, Jonne's stomach was in knots and he could feel his palms sweating as the boy smiled and joked with his friends. As if he could feel someone staring at him Bam looked up in the direction of the bar to see the face of a gorgeous blonde looking right at him. Jonne instantly smiled when his eyes connected with Bam's and even waved his hand a little. He noticed the cute boy blush and smile back. Jonne smiled when he noticed the boy blush and turned his head to Jess again, who had received his beers.
"Hey Jess who is that gorgeous guy at the table with your friends". He eyed Jess as he was putting the beers on a clean round tray. "Who Jonne". Jess looked at him in confusion. There was no one else that he had invited and Jonne said himself he doesn't fancy any of Jess' friends, so who could he be talking about.. unless he meant Bam. As he had thought Jonne asked about the boy in the black button down shirt. Jess chuckled and said
"Jonne that's my brother Bam".

Jess picked up the tray and headed over to the group. Jonne followed Jess instantly, not without trying to check out his friends bum of course. "Beers guys". As Jess placed the tray on the table, the guys snatched their bottle up like their life depended on it.
"Damn man you took your time". Johnny grumbled as he took a swig.
"Yeah sorry I got talking to a friend I haven't seen in a while, you guys remember Jonne right?". Jess wrapped a arm around Jonne's thin shoulders and pulled him closer to his side. Jonne giggled and waved "Hi guys, nice to see you again".
"Oh yeah, hi Jonne its nice to see you". Rabb smiled as he raised his beer. The rest of the guys said hi as Jess got a extra chair from the table next to them and sat Jonne in between himself and Bam.
"Bam this is Jonne, Jonne this is Bam my baby brother". Bam's pulse quickened as he felt Jonne's hand in his. His belly flipped as he looked into two pools of green. 'wow his eyes are amazing'. Bam thought. They weren't the same intense green as Ville's, Bam couldn't explain it. But he thought he would never fall into a another pair of green eyes again... boy was he dead wrong!. Bam's blush tinted his face again and quickly averted his gaze to the table. Jess smiled, 'maybe Bam can move on with someone else' Jess thought. Although Jess fell for Jonne as soon as they had met and it broke his heart to see his love crushing on his brother, Jess was not going to stand in the way of Bam's happiness. He would just have to put his feelings to one side. Besides Bam had only acted this shy around one other person his whole life and that was Ville.

"Hi Bam, its nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you". Jonne smiled sweetly and rested his hand under his chin, elbow resting on the table.
"Oh Jess what have you been saying about me". Bam replied nervously.
"Don't worry Bam, I haven't said anything embarrassing". Jess laughed.
"Yeah right". Bam smiled, his fingers playing with the label on his bottle. As the night wore on, the conversation flowed, laughter erupted from all. And Bam was having such a good time with his friends and Jonne, that for once, for a few hours he didn't once think about Ville.

genre:angst, genre:fluff, rating:pg-13, fic:bam/non-ville, rating:nc-17

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