Love you like I do

Aug 24, 2013 11:42

Title: Love you like I do
Author: vam_story_lover
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville and Bam have split up. Ville was stupid and is sorry, but Bam isn't ready to forgive or forget. When Bam meets someone else, will Ville even have a chance at getting Bam back, or is it truly to late.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything or anyone mentioned. This story is made up and just a bit of fun.

Chapter 5.

'1 year on'

As Jess Margera walked through his parents house, he caught the whiff of something yummy cooking.
"Wow, what smells so good". He crept up behind his mother who was cooking at the stove.
"Its sausage casserole". She smiled. She had a good reason to smile, she was about to settle down to a lovely family dinner with the three most important men in her life. It was only a few months ago that her youngest son would even come out of bedroom, let alone eat with the rest of the family. She was just happy now that her son had the strength to look to the future and not sticking to the past.

"Could you go and get your brother for me please honey ". She asked her eldest son as she started to set the table.
"Sure thing mum". He kissed her on the cheek , walked past the living room, said hi to his dad and made his way to Bam's bedroom. He knocked loudly twice and let himself in. He saw his brother on his bed reading a skate magazine and smiled. Bam had looked a lot healthier than the last time he had come home from touring. Although he hadn't actually started skateboarding yet, or has not even been out of the house yet. He is just glad that Bam is getting better, he has continued to do his odd projects again and even started to shower a few months back. Thank god for that.jess thought as he approached Bam's bed He really was starting to stink.

"Hey little bro, what's up". Bam looked to his brother.
"Hey mate, nothing much, just reading that's all." He gestured to the magazine in his hands.
"Cool I'm glad your feeling a bit better about things". Jess sat on Bam's bed beside his feet.
"Thanks man, its still hard, but I feel better than what I have been lately". He tossed the magazine on his nightstand and shimmed off the bed.
"I take it you being up here means dinner is ready and mum has sent you up here to get me".
Bam smiled. That made Jess smile.
"Yeah something like that, I'm serious though bro, I'm glad your doing better, even if its just coming out of your room, its a big start". As they walked out of Bam's room, Jess slung his arm over his brothers shoulders and ruffled his hair.

"Phil dinner". April shouted as she piled the last plate of casserole and set it on the table. "WOW mum, dinner smells great". April smiles at her youngest son as he sits at the table ready to eat. "Bam I'm so glad you have decided to come down for dinner, I was really worried about you yesterday". April patted her sons cheek and sat down in her seat.
"I'm ok now mum, yesterday was just a blip, I'm fine now". As they started to eat the family never ran out of topics to discuss. This made Bam smile, as he looked around the table at the people who loved him no matter what. His father sitting, of course, at the head of the table, jolly like Santa Claus but also quiet and reserved. When Bam came out to his family he was terrified that his father would be disgusted in him. But this wasn't the case. Phil wasn't disgusted, more confused at the idea of his son being more happy with a man more than a woman in that way. But with a little time to think things over Phil came to the conclusion that Bam was just being who he is and more than that, he could see that his son was happy. So Phil happily accepted Bam.

As his eyes travelled from his father to his mother. Bam's smile got brighter as she was always there for him, ready to defend him no matter what he had done. As he sees his mother sitting next to his father, Bam realises he is very lucky to have the parents he has. Bam had always thought that his mother loved him just a tiniest bit more than Jess. Not because she had favourites, Bam knows that his mother loves Jess just as much. But there has always been that one percent that speaks differently. She has always let him get away with all the pranks that he pulls, the messes he leaves behind and the insane stunts that he pulls, or as of late used to pull. Bam knows that his mother would never let Jess get away with things like that. Although she would always tell him off and shout at him to stop, there would always be a hint of a smile on her lips, of course she had always tried to hide it. Or maybe it was just the simple fact that April still thought of Bam as her baby boy.

And then his eyes fell to his big brother Jess who was sitting opposite him, next to their mother. Bam couldn't ask for a better big brother. They grew close as they grew up and Bam loved it. But with Jess trying to start his own band, and the band just rising to their epic peak, the closeness faded a little. But Bam had not taken it to heart but he understood. The band was important to Jess, just as skateboarding was important to Bam. Despite this Jess has always told Bam that no matter what, he would always be there for him. And he has proved it now. Being there, supporting Bam through his breakup with Ville. Jess running in to Bam's room every time his little brother had a nightmare and ended up shouting Ville's name. Bam remembers all the tears Jess wiped away as he was comforted by his big brother. Every time Bam woke up screaming Ville's name he would think he was pathetic, he even said it to Jess countless times. Jess would just hug him tight and tell him he wasn't pathetic, he was grieving in a sense for a six year relationship, friendship and a deep unique love that not many people are fortunate to have in this lifetime.

His eyes finally came to rest on the empty chair next to him. He sighed sadly as he thought Ville's chair. Ever since his first visit to his parents house, Ville had always sat in that chair, always next to Bam . Jess heard Bam sigh and turned to him.
"Bam mate, what's wrong".
"This was Ville's chair". Bam simply stated as he pointed to the chair.
"Honey please don't do this to yourself, your doing so well". April stretched her arms across the table and grabbed her sons hands. "we know that your still hurting but you do have to try to move on". She gave his hands a gentle squeeze and removed her hands.
"Yeah I know I do mum its just really hard sometimes". Bam whimpered, on the verge of tears once more.To stop his brother from wandering down memory lane and upsetting himself again Jess said
"Why don't you come out with me and the guys tonight, I think you could start going out the house again". Bam looked to his plate of food, half eaten, suddenly he had lost his apatite.

"Oh I don't know Jess, I haven't been out of the house in a year and three months, I have only just started to come out of my room three months ago". Bam looked up to his brother.
"I don't think I'm ready".
"That's exactly my point though Bam, you have been doing well these past three months, why don't you just try".
"It could be good for you Bam". Bam looked to his father as he spoke softly. "Even if its just for a hour or two, you never know, you might enjoy yourself". As his father kindly smiled at him Bam thought his dad was right. He had been terribly depressed over Ville for the past year, enough is enough, it's time to finally move on.
"Your right dad, as always, I think I will go out with you guys Jess, it's time for me to move on". Bam smiled as Jess hoped out of his chair to hug him.
"I promise you will have a good time Bam, the guys have missed you, I have missed you. But anytime you want to go home let me know ok". Jess beamed.
"Ok I will, thanks Jess". Bam smiled back as he hugged his brother again.

genre:angst, genre:fluff, rating:pg-13, fic:bam/non-ville, rating:nc-17

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