Love you like I do

Jun 25, 2013 11:32

Title: Love you like I do
Author: Vam_story_lover
Rating: PG13-NC17
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville and Bam have split up. Ville was stupid and is sorry. But Bam isn't ready to forgive or forget. When Bam meets someone else will Ville even have a chance to try and get Bam back, or is it to late.
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything mentioned. This story is made up and is just a bit of fun.
Authors note: This story is number two. I am writing both stories at the same time. Please read and honest comments will be lovely.

Chapter 3.

As Jess pulled into the driveway and cut the engine, Bam had knots in his stomach as his mind tried to process what he was about to do. He still couldn't believe that he was going to move his things out of their house. "Are you ready". Jess said putting a hand on Bam's shoulder "As I'll ever be". Bam blew out a breath he didn't know he was holding and stepped out of the car. He walked up to the house as Jess got the flat packed boxes from his trunk and caught up with Bam. He found Bam standing in the hallway, looking in to a mirror, inspecting his face. "Bam, bro what are you doing". Confused Jess put the boxes in the kitchen and went back to Bam, standing next to him in front of the mirror. "Am I not good enough...Am I really that ugly". Bam's voice was low and filled with hurt.
"Bam your not ugly, your way to good for Ville, come on we need to get this done so you can start to move on".

Bam sighed and looked at himself in the mirror one more time, before helping his brother build the boxes. As Bam and Jess worked, they both didn't notice Ville standing there, watching them, tears streaming down his cheeks. He leaned his whole body against the wall and silently watched his faithful boyfriend of six years pack up his life, ready to leave him behind. "Am I fat, do I look fat to you". Bam dropped the various things he was holding into the box and turned to Jess. "Seriously I mean look at me, am I fat." Bam then pulled his t-shirt up and started pinching his fingers to his sides, trying to see how much of the tanned flesh he could grab between them. (which in fact wasn't much).
"Bam are you insane, your not fat mate, your in good shape, this isn't down to you Bam, this is down to Ville being a prick".
"Jess don't call him that".
"Why not he is, I cant believe your defending him after what he's done to you". Jess shouted outraged that Bam keeps thinking that all of this is somehow his fault, then to actually defend Ville. "I'm not defending him Jess, I just don't like what you called him, he isn't a stupid prick". Bam said calmly, he really wasn't in the mood to start a fight. Bam stacked a few boxes that were still flat on top of each other and carried them in his arms "I'm going to pack my clothes, can you finish down here by yourself".
"Of course I can, I'm sorry I shouted at you Bam, but I don't like you blaming yourself". Jess pulled his baby brother in for a hug and went back to packing boxes. "Thanks man". Bam replied softly. At hearing that he was going to pack his clothes, Ville retreated back to their bedroom to wait for him.

Bam took a deep breath and let it out before he opened the door. He was surprised that Ville hadn't come running down the stairs as soon as he walked through the door. But as he opened the bedroom door he soon found why, Ville was sitting on the edge of the bed, head in his hands, shoulders shacking from all the crying he was doing. Ville lifted his head as he heard Bam close the door behind him.. He looked to Bam as he wiped the tears from his face and whispered "Hi Bam". Bam looked at him and whispered the same. Both men felt the uncomfortable silence creep over them as Ville stared as Bam was putting his clothes in boxes. As Bam stood with his back to Ville, putting his computer and files for his editing jobs into more boxes, he felt warm, strong arms gently wrap themselves around his waist and a head lean on his shoulder, he felt the hot breath of his now ex boyfriend tickle his neck as he said "Bam please don't do this, I love you so much, please stay so we can talk". Bam let Ville's words roll in one ear and out the other, he had to be strong, he cant go back, not now. " The time for talking was yesterday, I was ready to talk, but you wanted to get drunk instead, so you missed your chance". Bam didn't want to pull away from Ville's arms, he wanted to stay wrapped up in them, making him feel safe and secure. The arms that always held him with love and affection.

Despite that Bam pushed Ville's arms away and went to carry the boxes downstairs. After a few trips up and down the stairs, Bam was finally carrying the last box of his clothes down stairs. He was about to walk out the door when Ville came pounding down the stairs
"Bam wait, please".
By this time Bam was getting annoyed with Ville trying to get him to stay, he wasn't ready to forgive or forget. Bam threw his box on the floor as jess walked back in from putting the last of the boxes he packed in his trunk (and backseats). Bam turned to Ville
"What is it Ville, don't ask me to forgive you again because I cant. I cant forgive and I most certainly cant forget what you have done to me ". Bam's voice cracked as unshed tears started to form again. Seeing the tears in his ex boyfriends beautiful eyes Ville extended his hand to touch Bam's, which was by his side, but as his hand got closer, Bam pulled away and backed up a step.
"Don't you touch my brother, you don't deserve to". Jess was angry at this point, he was going to punch Ville in the face if Bam hadn't stopped him by standing in between them.
"Jess please you promised you wouldn't hurt him". Bam said, looking into his eyes, pleading with his brother not to hurt Ville.
"Ok Bam, I wont do anything to him, even if he does deserve it".

Ville just so happened to agree with Jess, he did deserve it. He would gladly take a beating to get Bam back. He would do anything at this point to get Bam back. Bam turned his body round so he was looking at Ville again.
"What do you want Ville".
"I heard what you said when you first came into the house, when you were looking at yourself in the mirror". Ville's voice came out small, his head hanging in shame.
"You were spying on me".
"No not spying, I was already down here but when I heard you come in I hid. I wasn't sure what to say to you, you looked so hurt and sad, I didn't know what to do".
"So you just hid, like a coward".
"Yes just like a coward, Bam please know this, you are not, by any stretch of the imagination ugly. You are the most beautiful, talented, gorgeous, gifted person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting". Ville slowly walked to Bam. When Bam didn't move away this time, Ville gently placed his hands on Bam's shoulders and looked into his eyes.

"I don't want to push my luck here Bam. But if I am going to lose you as my wonderful boyfriend as I probably believe I already have. I don't want to lose you as a friend, can we please remain friends". Bam felt his heart pounding heavily in his chest as he looked into soft green eyes.
"No Ville I cant, I be around you right now, I'm sorry". Wait a minute, why am I sorry, he is the one who cheated on me. Bam thought.
"Don't ever apologise Bam, you have nothing to be sorry for, this is all my fault". Ville whispered as he softly played with Bam's hair. Bam sighed and moved his body closer to Ville's loving the feel of Ville's fingers run through his curls.
"Damn right its your fault, Bam come on". Jess said angrily. He was getting even more annoyed as Ville worked his magic (in his opinion) to sucker Bam back in to his arms.
"Shut up Jess". Bam hissed. He never looked to his brother as he said it. He stayed in the warmth of Ville's arms. Jess didn't like being told to shut up, nor did he like the way his baby brother seemed to be content in the arms of a man who had just shattered his heart. But he stayed quiet and let his brother say goodbye. Both boys knew that this was the last time they would touch, so they enjoyed each others warmth before they separated. Bam glanced up into Ville's eyes and both boys had unshed tears forming. Emerald eyes looked into crystal blue as Ville whispered
"Sweetheart if I am about to lose you forever, please grant me one more kiss. So we can end on good terms".
"Ville I don't think that's a good idea". As Bam tripped over these words his arms were moving around Ville's waist, before he could process what he was doing.
"Please Bam I want just one more good memory out of the nightmare I have created".

Ville touched Bam's cheek gently and traced his thumb over his bottom lip. Bam closed his eyes at the feather like touch on his lip and sighed contently. His hands went under Ville's shirt and he let his fingers trace the soft, warm, flawless skin underneath. Both boys moved their heads forwards and their lips gently touched. They both sighed into the kiss and their eyes fluttered shut. The kiss was feather light, their soft lips barely touching, as Bam surprised himself by poking his tongue into Ville's mouth. Ville more than happily invites the tongue in, both tongue's grazing each other. Ville moves his other hand to Bam's hair and buried his fingers in Bam's soft curls. When the kiss ended they pressed their foreheads together as they calmed their breathing, enjoying this moment before it ends.

As Ville pulled himself away unable to look at Bam's face, Bam felt the tears fall down his cheeks as he picked up the box he had dropped and walked to the door. Jess not saying anything to his brother took the box from him and went to the car, Bam looked back at Ville with his hand on the doorknob. Ville was looking Bam in the face now, tears falling fast from his eyes as he said
"I'm sorry Bam, more than you know. I know right now that you wont believe me, but I do love you and I never meant to hurt you". Bam couldn't say anything apart from
"I'm sorry to". Bam shut the door and walked back to the car, as he sat in the passengers seat he flung himself on his brother and cried harder than he ever had when all of this started. At the same time inside the house Ville had turned into a rage and flung whatever he could get his hands on. Pictures were knocked down vases smashed to pieces on the floor, destruction everywhere. He screamed and cried until he had no energy left.

genre:angst, rating:pg-13, rating:nc-17

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