
Feb 13, 2013 20:13

Betrayal/ Forgiveness

Rating: PG 13

Summary: Fifteen years ago, Bam met Ville. They had a whirlwind affair, and Bam left Ville alone and knocked up. Nine months later, Ville had twins. Fifteen years later, they are coming to West Chester.

Disclaimer: This is fiction, never happened, and I don't make money from writing it.

Authors Notes: So this is the end, for real. I’m sad to see this story end, but I’m very proud of it too. I’ve been writing for almost seven years and this is the first chapter story I’ve ever finished. As always, thank you chelseatoddx, I never ever would have finished this story without you. And thank you to everyone who’s read and commented, because reading your comments makes me feel like I’ve really accomplished something here. :)

“Anja... Anja! Anja!” Lauri sighed as he watched his sister sleep, his pretend frustration betrayed by the grin on his face. The girl snored quietly, unaware of the intruder in her room. Lauri moved quietly, walking back to the door. Once he got to the door, he turned back around, and with a running start, leaped onto his sister's stomach.

“Ow! Fuck!” Anja wheezed, shoving Lauri off of her as she clutched her stomach in pain. Lauri landed on the floor, laughing hysterically. “What the fuck, Lauri?!”

“It's Christmas, Anja! We have to wake everyone up!” Lauri explained, leaning his elbows on his sister’s bed as he looked up. Anja rolled her eyes, but an evil smile took over her face.

“Get out, I'll be out in a sec.” Anja laughed, waiting until her brother had crawled out of the room before she jumped up, slipping her clothes on quickly. After a second, she joined Lauri in the hallway, and the two headed down the hall.

They stopped in front of a door, and Lauri carefully turned the knob and pushed the door open an inch at a time, careful not to make a noise. The two tiptoed silently into the room, leaving the door open just a crack. They stood still for a long moment, waiting for their eyes to adjust, before they slowly crept further into the room. They separated once they got to the bed; Lauri moving towards the right side, Anja took the left.

Anja lifted her hand, holding up five fingers. Slowly, she pulled her fingers into a fist, one by one, giving them a silent countdown. As she got to one, both kids crouched, ready to jump. As the last finger went down, they leapt in unison, each giving a war cry as they sprang onto the bed.

Immediately after they landed, two figures jerked upwards in a panic, curses and shouts of fear filled the air. Bam recovered first, recognizing the laugh of the boy on top of him. He let out a playful growl, pushing Lauri to the bed and tickling him.

Ville groaned loudly, falling back onto the bed once he recognized the twins. “There is something wrong with the two of you.”

Lauri squealed, managing to get away from Bam and hid behind Anja, “But Isa, Dad, it's Christmas!”

Bam brightened up immediately, “It’s Christmas?!” He leaped up, jumping on the bed excitedly with the twins.

“Oh, god, what did I do to deserve this?” Ville groaned, pulling the blankets over his head.

Bam laughed, dropping to his knees beside Ville and yanking the covers away, “but Willa, it's Christmas!”

“So I've heard...” Ville sighed, sitting up slowly as he saw the pout on Bam's lips. He glanced at the kids, who were still bouncing on the bed, singing Christmas carols. “You two, go get you're uncles. We'll meet you downstairs.”

Lauri and Anja gave each of their fathers a kiss on the cheek before they ran out of the room. Ville lay back down on the bed, pulling Bam to lay beside him. “Your kids are nuts. “

“My kids? Aren't they our kids?” Bam pouted, wrapping his arms tightly around Ville's waist and kissing him gently.

“No. My kids are innocent little angels who do their homework and never get in trouble. Those demons are yours.” Ville laughed at the pout on Bam's face, and moved to kiss it away. Bam laughed softly, kissing him back. For a long moment the two cuddled close, embracing the warmth in each other’s arms.

Lauri and Anja stood outside yet another room. They shared an evil smile, and then carefully pushed the door open. They moved quicker now, too excited to worry about being silent. They both ran at the bed full speed, leaping on to it and managing to land on both their uncles at once.

“Shit, fuck!” Ryan screamed, jerking up in bed. Linde jerked up with him, having been asleep on his chest. He fell back onto the bed, confused.

“Uncle Lily, Uncle Ryan, it's Christmas!” Lauri yelled, bouncing on the bed. Anja joined in, jumping up and down excitedly.

Ryan fell back onto the bed with Linde, “No. Christmas doesn't start until noon.”

“Uncle Ryan! Come on, we can't open presents until everyone comes downstairs!” Anja pouted at the two blondes. “And we can't go to Grandma and Grandpas until we open presents, and I want to see my Granny!”

“We'll be down in a minute, guys,” Linde gave in with a loud sigh. The twins nodded happily, and the next second they were out of the room and heading down the stairs. Ryan rolled onto his side, putting his arm around Linde's waist and kissed his neck gently. Linde bit his lip, moving to kiss Ryan deeply.

All too soon, he had to pull away. “Come on, Ryan. If we don't go downstairs, they'll come back.”

Ryan pulled Linde back as the dreadlocked man started to get up. “No. You're mine in the mornings, Pretty Flower. Besides, aren't they too old to be this excited about Christmas?”

Linde sighed happily as Ryan began kissing his neck again. “Probably. But they are Bam's kids, after all.”

Ryan chuckled lightly, “True.... which means we should probably get down before they get mad at us. Last thing I want is for them to dye my beard blue again.”

Linde laughed, and the two climbed out of bed slowly. After getting dressed, they headed down the stairs, meeting the other four in the purple living room. Bam was on the floor, up against one couch, Ville leaning back against his chest. Lauri and Anja sat near the giant Christmas tree, looking at the presents happily. Ryan sat on the floor next to Bam, smiling at the two.

Linde started towards the tree, ready to begin the passing out of presents, when Lauri stopped him, “Wait, Uncle Lily, we've got something for you first!”

Both kids broke into giggles, and Lauri ran into the other room for a moment. When he came back out, he was holding a bright red Santa hat, large enough to fit over Linde's dreads. The blonde let out a groan.

“Come on, guys, I don't want to wear that stupid thing.”

“Please Uncle Lily?” Anja and Lauri begged together. Linde refused again, and the twins kept begging, this time Bam joined in as well. “Come on, only Santa can pass out presents!”

Linde sighed loudly, looking at Ryan for help. The blonde only shrugged, hiding a grin from Linde. “It could be worse, Pretty Flower, they could be making you wear the whole outfit. Besides, I think you'd make a good Santa.”

Linde rolled his eyes in an exaggerated huff, and grabbed the hat from Lauri. He pulled it on over his dreadlocks, trying to keep a smile from appearing on his face when Lauri and Bam both squealed in joy. Ville laughed loudly, “You know, I think we've got this wrong. Maybe Ryan should be Santa, and Lily's Mrs. Claus!”

Linde glared at Ville, “Shut up Ville!”

Bam laughed hysterically, “That's a great idea! We're totally doing that next year!”

They all laughed at the look on Linde's face. Ryan spoke up, trying his hardest not to laugh, “Leave Lily alone, guys.”

Linde grabbed the first present to stop the conversation from escalating any further. “Lauri, it’s for you!”

Not even twenty minutes later, the room was in disarray. Wrapping paper was strewn around the room; some had even got onto the ceiling fan. Bam was standing in the middle of the room, throwing the remaining paper in the air to make it 'rain'. Ville was videotaping him with his new camera, laughing all the while. Anja was ignoring them, leaning against the couch as she tuned her new bass. Lauri sat next to her, examining his new custom skateboard. Linde and Ryan sat side by side, leaning against the couch. Linde had a guitar in his hands, a replacement for the one Bam had smashed years ago. Ryan was simply holding Linde, content to leave his gifts to examine later, and watched as the blonde strummed away on his guitar.

After a few minutes, Bam got bored of the 'rain', and sat down next to Ville. He leaned in to kiss the brunette on the cheek. “We've got to be at Ape's in two hours, if Linde is going to help her cook dinner.”

Linde nodded, smiling. April had been ecstatic when he had volunteered to help cook. The poor woman had been running around like crazy, trying to make sure everything would be perfect for the first Christmas she got to see her grandkids. Linde asking to help had taken a huge load off of her shoulders.

It was close to seven at night by the time they returned home. All of them had at least one big bag full of gifts, the twins each had three. April and Phil had insisted on spoiling them, or making up for lost time, as April called it. Either way, the six of them were all happy and stuffed full of food. They all collapsed in the living room, Ville and Bam on one couch, Linde and Ryan on the other, with the twins lying on the rug in between.

They chatted for a while about their presents, about their work and school. Ville laid his head on Bam's chest, smiling as he simply watched and listened to his family talk and laugh together. And to think, only a year ago he was determined to never forgive Bam. For almost thirty minutes, they simply sat around and talked.

Ryan, after noticing his blonde Finn shivering, got up and started a roaring fire in the fireplace. No sooner had he sat back down then the doorbell rang. Ryan frowned, “Who the hell could that be?”

“Jess! I nearly forgot!” Bam leapt to his feet, disturbing Ville in the process, and took off running for the door.

“What's going on?” Ville asked, getting only shrugs in reply. They listened closely as they all heard the door opening. They could hear Bam and his brother mumbling back and forth for a moment, and then they both said goodbye and the door shut once again.

The five of them exchanged looks, all wondering the same things. What was Jess doing there, and why hadn't Bam invited him inside? They all looked up as they heard Bam's footsteps heading back to the living room.

As they all turned towards the door, though, it wasn't Bam that came racing through. A big brown mass of fur hurtled through the room, barking loudly. The dog ended up in Lauri's lap, licking the boy’s face excitedly.

“A puppy!” Anja squealed, pushing her brother out of the way so that she could pet the dog.

Ville stared in disbelief at the dog in the twin's arms. He turned back to the door, looking at a slightly sheepish Bam. “What's going on, Bam?”

“I arranged for Jess to drop him off. He's a Christmas present for you and the kids.” Bam gave Ville his most innocent smile, inwardly laughing at the shock on Ville's face.

“You bought us a dog?” Ville asked, staring at Bam, still in shock.

“Well, yeah...” Bam said, rolling his eyes at the statement.

Ville stared at Bam, raising his eyebrows, silently asking for more of an explanation.

“I thought the kids would like him...” Bam started, looking passed Ville to where Lauri and Anja were rolling on the floor with the new puppy.

“Besides...” Bam spoke quietly, moving forward until he could place a gentle kiss on Ville's lips, “Every family needs a dog, Ville.”

genre:fluff, fic:completed, genre:family, author:d, fic:series

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