Am I the only one posting here?

Nov 14, 2012 21:17

Betrayal/ Forgiveness

Rating: PG 13

Summary: Fifteen years ago, Bam met Ville. They had a whirlwind affair, and Bam left Ville alone and knocked up. Nine months later, Ville had twins. Fifteen years later, they are coming to West Chester.

Disclaimer: This is fiction, never happened, and I don't make money from writing it.

Authors Notes: Once again, thank you to my friend chelseatoddx, for helping me finish this. Also, this story is completely finished, all I have to do is post it. So, I can promise you that this story won't become one of those that gets right to the good part and then just quits.

“Vito, we're floating to Delaware and you’re coming with me,” Bam Margera's voice sounded in the darkened room. A moment later Vito spoke, a combination of half-words and mumbles that sent Lauri and Anja into hysterics. The two of them were lying on Anja's bed. Anja leaned against the wall, a pillow behind her, and her legs stretched across the bed. Lauri was at the other end of the bed, lying on his stomach propped up on his elbows with the help of several pillows.

“What's going on in here?” Ville said with a grin as he pushed open the door to Anja's room. He flipped on the light so that he could see his twins lying on the bed. His smile faded quickly though, replaced by a look of anger, as he saw the TV. “What the hell is this? I thought I told you not to watch this crap?!”

He took two short steps to the TV and turned it off, before spinning and facing his children once more. “Why are you watching this?!”

“It's just a show, Isa! What's the problem? It's just funny. You let us watch the Dudeson's all the time back home! It's not like we try to copy it or something!” Anja defended herself and her brother. She sat up straight on the bed, crossing her legs as she defiantly met her father's eyes. Beside her, Lauri ducked his head down, staring at the blanket uncomfortably.

“I don't care, Anja! I told you not to watch this! Maybe if you’re not mature enough to respect my rules, then you’re not mature enough to have your own TV?” Ville snapped, his voice going up an octave. He put his hands on his hips, staring back at his daughter.

“Isa! That's not fair! Why won't you at least give us a reason why we can't watch it? You don't care about anything else we watch except this and Jackass!” Anja argued back. Lauri nodded slightly, giving his sister his silent support. Neither of the kids understood why their dad didn't want them watching this, he didn't censor anything else they watched or listened to.

“Because it's garbage! And since you can't obey the rules around here, you are grounded. Both of you. For two weeks.” Ville growled, before turning to leave the room.

“No! School starts in a week! We wanted to go check out the skate park before then Isa! We just got those new boards for Christmas...” Anja trailed off sadly, her anger leaving her quickly as she realized just how mad her father was.

“Well, you should have thought about that before breaking the rules!” With that, Ville left the room in a huff, slamming the door behind him. He made his way downstairs and into the kitchen, where Linde was standing with a cup of coffee, waiting for him.

“You know you really are being unreasonable. The two of them have been watching, and occasionally doing worse things than what they show on Jackass, or Viva La Bam... The only reason you don't want to let them watch it is because of B-”

“Don't fucking go there Linde!” Ville cut the blonde off angrily. “That stupid dumbass has nothing to do with this!”

“I'm not stupid Ville. He has everything to do with it. You still love him, I know it. And taking your anger at him out on the twins is just going to make them resentful of you.” Linde spoke quietly, trying to make his friend calm down and see reason. Ville sighed, slumping down into one of the chairs.

“I know... I shouldn't have yelled at them like that... I just get scared, Linde. What if they see that and realize...” Ville trailed off, letting out a giant sigh. “I can't let him hurt them, Lily. I can't let him get close to my family...”

“I know, Ville.” Linde sat next to the brunette, hugging him gently. They sat for a minute in silence, before Linde decided to change the subject.

“So I found a job. I'm going to be working at a music shop downtown... I start the day the kids go to school.”

“Really? That's great! I didn't think you'd be able to find a job so soon. I knew moving here was the right thing to do!” Ville cheered up instantly, grinning at his friend.

“And for once, you were right... I'm just glad we're finally done unpacking all this crap!” Linde laughed. The two of them had opened a bottle of wine the night before in honor of unpacking the last box. Ville laughed, nodding.

“Why does he have to be so damn unreasonable?!” Anja groaned out loudly, falling back on the bed beside her brother. “Two weeks?! Just for a stupid TV show?! What the hell are we supposed to do for two weeks if we can't go out?”

Lauri rolled onto his back and laid his head on his sister’s shoulder “I know... I wanted to go skating tomorrow. Maybe Uncle Lily will take us and not tell Isa?”

Anja quickly shook her head, “Nah. Linde's too honest for that. He'd tell Isa in a heartbeat...”

They both sighed in unison, staring up at the ceiling in the now quiet room. They laid there for a long while, until a knock came on the door, and Ville let himself in once again, this time followed by Linde. The four of them watched each other in silence for a long moment. Lauri was the one to break it.

“We're sorry Isa. We just don't understand why you won't let us watch that. It's not like we haven't seen worse. We weren't hurting anyone...” his soft voice trailed off, and he looked up at his father, giving him his best pout.

Ville sighed softly. It was much harder to be angry at Lauri than Anja. Anja would fight back every inch of the way, but Lauri had a way of looking like such a kicked puppy that Ville had a hard time telling him no. Unfortunately for him, the twins had figured this out long ago, and used it at every opportunity.

“I know you don't understand, Lauri, and I shouldn't have gotten so mad about it. I'm sorry I yelled at you like that, Anja. But I don't want you watching that, OK?” Ville spoke quietly, sitting down next to the twins on the bed, and pulling Linde down next to him. Both twins immediately pulled their father and uncle into a hug.

“Does that mean were still grounded?” Lauri asked hopefully, giving his father his best puppy dog eyes.

“Hmm... No, you’re not grounded. But you still broke the rules, and therefore you are not going skating tomorrow,” Ville answered with a half-smile on his face.

Both twins looked up at him and groaned together “But Isa!”

Ville interrupted before they could continue, “Since I don't work tomorrow, we're going up to Philadelphia to do school shopping and hang out. Maybe go see a movie or something. We need to celebrate the fact that Linde's got himself a job!”

“You got a job Uncle Lily? That's great!” Anja hugged her uncle tightly, and Lauri grinned up at him, agreeing with his sister.

“I did, Lyyli. I'm working at a music store downtown. I start the day you guys start school,” he hugged Anja back gently.
He was the only one who called Anja by her middle name. He loved the fact that Ville had given Anja his nickname as a name, albeit spelled differently.

“That's awesome, Uncle Lily. But we can go skating the day after?” Lauri looked back to his father eagerly.

“Yes, Lauri, you can go skating the day after.” Ville laughed, hugging his son tightly.

“Yay!” both twins cheered loudly, falling back onto the bed happily.

“But, you cannot watch this again, okay? Please, I let the two of you do almost anything you want, do this for me?” Ville looked at the twins seriously.

They both nodded slowly. “I guess, so Isa, though I don't know why we can't watch it.” Anja sighed.

Ville smiled, kissing his daughter on the forehead gently. “Thank you, Anja. Now, it's getting late. You two need to go to bed, were going to have to get up early in the morning if we want to go.”

Ville and Linde both stood up and gave the twins another hug each before they left the room. They stopped in the hallway, and Ville hugged Linde tight. “Good night, Linde. And thank you, for making me calm down. As usual.”

Linde chuckled softly, squeezing Ville gently, “Always, Ville. Goodnight.” They broke away, and they both headed to bed.

genre:family, author:d, fic:series, genre:mpreg

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