New Story!

Oct 23, 2012 22:02

Title: Betrayal/ Forgiveness

Rating: PG 13ish

Summary: A seventeen year old skater goes to Finland, and meets an eighteen year old Finn. Things happen, and this is the fallout

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, this never happened.

Author's Notes: Couldn't have done this without my wonderful friend chelseatoddx who made this not so crappy.  The title is from Apocalyptica

The room was dark. Very dark. Not a single ray of light shown from behind the curtains. The darkness could only mean that it was the middle of the night still. Ville's own internal clock told him it was probably two or three in the morning. He shuffled awkwardly around in bed, until he could see the clock perched on his nightstand. Two thirty. Way too early to be awake. So why was he? He moved again, and realized the answer. He needed to pee. Again.

He wiggled his out-of-proportion body to the side of the bed, and rolled until his feet touched the floor. With a deep breath, he pushed himself out of the bed, taking a second to catch his balance before waddling out the door and to the bathroom. If there was one thing that he looked forward to, Ville thought, it was getting his body back again.

Flipping on the bathroom light, the brunette quickly did his business before moving towards the door again. On the way, he caught sight of himself in the mirror. He stopped and looked, as he had done so many times over the last few months. His extra-large shirt stretched around his belly, and he lifted it so he could see the skin underneath, that was marred with stretch marks. Other than his stomach, he hadn't changed that much really. He had gained a little weight here and there, sure, but it was only his stomach that was truly different.

Ville laid a hand on his stomach, rubbing the skin lightly. Immediately, he felt one of the twins push back against his hand, causing his whole stomach to move, as if there was an alien inside trying to burst free. He laughed at the thought, and smiled down at his stomach- at his children. Slowly, he dropped his shirt down and headed back to his bedroom, careful not to make noise and wake up Linde. The last thing he wanted was another false labor freakout from his friend.

He lay down in his empty bed, lying on his left side as the doctors were constantly telling him to do. Hugging his stomach gently, he closed his eyes, giving a small little prayer that his children would leave his bladder alone, so that maybe he could actually sleep the rest of the night.

The next time he opened his green eyes, it was morning. He did his shuffling again, getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom once more. Oh, how he missed not having to use the bathroom every five minutes. After he finished his early morning pee, he headed into the kitchen of his small, three bedroom apartment. Linde was there, cooking breakfast and humming under his breath.

“You know, you don't have to cook, Lily.” Ville's deep voice made Linde look up quickly, a smile breaking over his face as he saw Ville awake and watching him.

“Well, if I don't, who will? You? I'd rather not get food poisoning, thanks,” Linde teased gently, pushing his long, silky blonde hair out of his face. Ville just laughed, knowing Linde was most likely right, as usual, and sat down at their small table.

Leaning his head on his hand, he watched the tall blonde wander about the kitchen. Ville knew that he had so much to thank his friend for, and yet he could never find the words to tell him. Without Linde, he would have been alone, his parents having had disowned him when they found out he was pregnant. It wasn't even the fact that he was pregnant that bothered them, Ville knew, but the fact that the father of his unborn children had run away the minute that he had heard. Either way, though, he knew better than to count on them to help with his children. Linde was the only one he could count on.

The blonde smiled silently at Ville, placing a cup of coffee in front of the green eyed man, before going back to the stove and making sure he wasn't burning anything. Ville let out a sigh, looking down into his coffee before sipping it slowly. How had this all happened, he wondered? He had been so happy, Linde and he had been in a band, about to get signed, and everything was going great for them. Then he had met Bam. The seventeen year old skateboarder had been in Finland for a skate demo, and he ran into Ville quite by accident.

Their short affair had been a whirlwind of romance. Ville had just turned eighteen and was proud to finally be an adult, and Bam had interested him like no one had before. He and the blue eyed skater had fallen hard and fast. Unfortunately, Ville soon realized that something else had come of their love. He was pregnant. He told Bam, who jumped the next flight back to America and never looked back, pretending that his month long love affair in Finland had never happened. As much as Ville wanted to hate the skater for leaving, he felt a pang in his heart every time he thought about the man. He wished more than anything that Bam would come back, so that they could be a family.

“It's not going to do any good to keep thinking about him Ville.” Linde's deep voice broke into his thoughts, as the blonde placed a plate full of food in front of the pregnant man. He put another plate down on the table, and sat across from Ville. Ville managed a smile, and quickly dug into his food. The two ate in a comfortable silence.

After they finished, Ville took the dishes into the kitchen and began washing them as Linde left to get dressed for work. He came back out of his room just as Ville was settling himself down onto the couch.

“I'll see you on my lunch break, alright Ville? Call me if you think you might be going into labor, the doctor said it could be any day now.” Linde spoke quietly, hesitating in front of the door. He wouldn't let Ville know it, but he was truly worried about his pregnant friend. The doctors had told him that there was a good chance that he might not make it through childbirth, and the sooner he could get Ville to the hospital, the better. He wouldn't be going to work at all, except they needed the money. Once he received a nod and a reassuring smile from his friend, Linde headed out the door to his job.

The rest of the day passed quickly and dully for Ville, spent either sleeping or rubbing his stomach as the twins fought for space inside him. At four thirty, he started dinner, picking something simple to make so that Linde would actually be able to eat it this time. Linde came home at five, and the two ate dinner in front of the television.

Halfway through, Ville put his plate down on the coffee table. He looked down at his stomach, running his hands over the clothed skin slowly. Linde sent him a questioning look, to which Ville merely shrugged. The strange feeling he had passed, and Ville picked his plate up again, and continued eating, only to drop the plate a minute later as he cried in pain.

“Ville?! Whats wrong?!” Linde was at Ville's side in a second, ignoring the spilled food as he placed a soothing hand on the brunettes stomach.

“Lily... I think... think I'm in labor,” Ville whispered through the contraction, sighing in relief and in fear as the pain ebbed away. Linde moved quickly, going to Ville's room to grab his overnight bag, packed full of the things he would need at the hospital. Almost running, he headed back to the living room, grabbing his car keys off the table before moving to Ville's side.

“Come on, sweetheart, we need to get you to the hospital. Can you walk?” At Ville's nod, Linde slid an arm under his shoulder, and helped him to his feet. He let Ville lead the way out the door and down the stairs, staying as close as he could to his friend in case of another contraction.

Once downstairs, he helped Ville into the car, tossed the bag into the trunk, and ran around to jump into the driver's seat. He drove as fast as he dared to the hospital, comforting Ville the best he could through another contraction. He parked crookedly, and barely managed to turn the car off before he was at Ville's side, helping him out of the car and into the hospital. Together, they approached the desk.

“My friend is in labor.” Linde explained quickly to the nurse, who had a look of disbelief on her face until she saw Ville's stomach. She called for a wheelchair, and Ville was quickly taken into the labor and delivery area of the hospital, clutching at Linde's hand all the while.

A nurse came to help, introducing herself as Nancy before quickly helping Ville into the bed. She hooked him to an IV and placed a monitor on his stomach so that they could watch the babies' heart rates and movements, talking to him all the while and explaining what they were doing.

Once she had gotten Ville settled, she showed him how to use the call button in case he needed help, and told him that there was nothing left to do until the doctor came. She left the room, leaving Ville and Linde alone.

As soon as the nurses had left, Linde sat on the edge of the bed, stroking Ville's hair gently. The green eyed man reached up, grabbing hold of Linde's hand, and squeezed it tightly, letting his dearest friend see all of his fear and doubts. His breath came in slight jerks as he struggled to keep his tears bottled up, his emotions threatening to completely overwhelm him. The long months that he had been pregnant, he had spent preparing for this moment. And now that it was here, he was panicking

“Everything's going to be okay Ville.” Linde whispered, squeezing his friends hand tightly. “I promise, I'm going to be right here, don't worry.”

Ville opened his mouth to voice some of his fears, his wishes, but before he could say a word, the door swung open and Ville's doctor came inside, a smile on his face.

“Hello, Ville, Linde. Are you ready to meet your babies?” The doctor didn't wait for a response, checking the monitors around Ville's stomach, “First off, we have to get the anesthesiologist in here to give you an epidural, so that you won't feel anything. After you're good and numb, we'll take you into the other room and we will perform a cesarean section, okay? Linde will be allowed to come as well, although he will have to dress in scrubs and such to make sure he doesn't bring in any bacteria, and then before you know it you'll be holding your babies in your arms.”

Ville nodded quietly, having been told about the procedure that they would perform at a previous doctors visit. Linde couldn't keep a grin off his face at being told that he would be allowed to stay with Ville. Just a second after the doctor had spoken, the door opened again and the anesthesiologist came in. He instructed Ville to sit up and face Linde, so that he could place the epidural in his back.

Ville sat up slowly, holding both of Linde's hands tightly. He hunched over as he was told, letting his head rest on Linde's lower stomach as he struggled to breath in the awkward position. He felt the needle bite into the skin in his lower back, and bit his lip. Linde squeezed his hands gently, watching the doctor as he put the epidural into his friends back, and started the medication.

Ville lay back down slowly, with Linde's help. The doctor ushered Linde out of the room so he could wash up and dress in his scrubs, leaving Ville alone with his thoughts while he waited for the epidural to kick in and take away the pain.

He stared at the white ceiling. He was scared. Desperately, he wished that his mom was there, holding his hand as she laughed away the fear with her sweet voice. Or even better, if his Bam was there, teasing him with that laugh as he told stories to help Ville bear the pain. To get his mind of the thoughts of what ifs? What if the children didn't make it? What if he didn't? If he died during childbirth, who would take care of his kids? Linde had told him that he would take care of the babies, but the blonde could only do so much, and he wouldn't be able to do it on his own.

He bit his lip lightly, until suddenly Linde was next to him, squeezing his hand once more.

“I'm so glad you're with me, Lily.” Ville whispered up to his friend, trying and failing to keep his voice from trembling.

“I'll always be with you, Ville. You won't do this alone,” Linde vowed quietly, much like he had when he had found out Ville was pregnant eight months ago. When everyone else had turned their backs on the brunette, Linde had simply hugged him and promised to help, in whatever way he could. Ville's eyes watered at the memory, and he pulled the blonde into a hug, mumbling soft thank yous into Linde's soft hair.

Before Linde had a chance to answer, the doctor was in the room again, checking to make sure Ville was completely numb before he and the nurse began rolling the bed out of Ville's room and into the surgery room, gesturing for Linde to follow. The brunette caught sight of a clock as he was being wheeled down the hall- an hour had already passed since he had come to the hospital.

Just a second later, the clock was gone, and the nurse pushed Ville through a set of double doors, into the surgery room. She parked the bed in the middle of the room, and turned away to get ready. The green eyed man grabbed for his friend's hand, holding it so tightly Linde worried for a second that he might break it. A sheet was placed over Ville's stomach, so that he wouldn't be able to see them cut into him.

As the doctor started the procedure, Linde talked quietly, about anything and everything, trying to keep Ville's mind off what was happening. He talked about music, his job, and their plans for the future. He kept his head down, looking at Ville's eyes instead of the blood that now covered his lower half. Suddenly though, he was interrupted by a tiny cry.

Ville let out a sob of his own, hearing his child starting to cry. The doctor quickly cut the umbilical cord and handed the baby to a nurse, who checked it over and wrapped it in a blanket before handing it gently to Linde, so that they could concentrate on the second baby. Linde leaned down, letting Ville see his baby, even though he couldn't yet hold it.

“It's a girl, Ville. You have a daughter!” Linde whispered, his voice breaking slightly as a few tears trailed down his cheeks. “I have a niece...”

Ville reached out, touching his daughters face. He sobbed, knowing suddenly that the past few months had been worth it. Even if Bam wasn't there, if he had to raise his kids without their father, it was worth it. He couldn't continue his thoughts, as another tiny cry broke the silence.

“And here is a beautiful baby boy!” the doctor called out, handing the small boy to a nurse, who stood next to Ville so he could see. The doctor began stitching him up quickly, knowing that the sooner he did, the sooner Ville could hold his children.

Two hours later, Ville was now in a postpartum room, holding his daughter against his chest. Linde sat next to him, holding his nephew. The two of them didn't talk, just held the sleeping children quietly, tears of happiness trailing down their faces.

genre:angst, rating:pg-13, genre:family, author:d, fic:series, genre:mpreg

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