Title: Bleed Well
villianophelianRating: PG to R in later chapters
Pairing: VAM, eventually
Summary: Ville Valo is tired of living after a hundred years as a vampire. Deciding to finally get answers to his questions about life’s possibilities (and maybe raise more questions), he sets off for another country. Is it possible to be anything other than what he thought he was?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters mentioned.
Genre: AU
Author's Notes: I had to redo this because it wasn't letting me update the other one successfully XO. Anyways... Chapter seven has been added.
http://villianophelian.livejournal.com/3438.html#cutid1Chapter One.
http://villianophelian.livejournal.com/3829.html#cutid1Chapter Two.
http://villianophelian.livejournal.com/3939.html#cutid1Chapter Three.
http://villianophelian.livejournal.com/4321.html#cutid1Chapter Four.
http://villianophelian.livejournal.com/4612.html#cutid1Chapter Five.
http://villianophelian.livejournal.com/5047.html#cutid1Chapter Six.
http://villianophelian.livejournal.com/5192.html#cutid1Chapter Seven.