Goodbye Part Two

Aug 08, 2012 21:39

Title: Goodbye
Rating: PG 13 'cause Bam and Mige use bad words
Disclaimer: Last I checked, it was illegal to own people. So no, this never happened
Summary: Second Part of Goodbye, Bam's reaction.
Author's Notes: Would have been out sooner, but this was the first chance I got. First night alone I get in six months, and I spend it on the computer... I need friends. Anybody wanna be my friend? =) Anyway, to the story: Please comment and all that, even its just to give criticism

If there was one thing Bam truly hated in this world, it was waking up. He was so damn comfortable, but that ball of evil people call a sun was shining straight in his eyes. He let out a long, low groan, and flopped around in bed for a minute, until he was laying on his stomach, facing away from the window. He let a small smile grace his face, and burrowed into the covers. Slowly, he let himself drift away again, back to dreams of skateboards and torturing his friends. Then he frowned, as he quickly became uncomfortable again, and flopped around some more. This time, he ended up on his side, still facing the door, both hands under his head, clutching the blanket lightly. Another sigh, and he slowly drifted away again. This time, he only lasted a minute before flopping around again. Landing on his back once more, he groaned again, as loud as he could manage. Why couldn't he comfortable? Then he swallowed, and knew the answer. He was thirsty.

"Ville? Ville baby, go get me some water? Pretty please?" Bam mumbled, moving towards the side of the bed that his Finnish sex god usually slept on. Except he wasn't met with a warm chest, and those strong, tattooed arms wrapping around him. Instead, cold sheets and emptiness embraced him. He frowned, reaching a hand to where Ville's head should be. Instead of Ville's gorgeous hair, though, his hand landed on a pillow, and was that paper?

Frowning more, Bam propped himself up on his elbows, and opened his eyes for the first time since he had awoken. A quick scan of the room assured him that Ville was indeed missing, and in his place was a simple, elegantly folded note, placed directly in the middle of Ville's pillow. A quick worry ran through Bam's mind, 'what if Ville was kidnapped?', but he quickly laughed the thought off, and sat up all the way. He picked the paper up, unfolding it quickly, but carefully. He was met with Ville's neat handwriting.

Dear Bammie,

You know, for someone who makes a living writing beautiful lyrics, I simply can't put my feelings into words right now. I love you, Bammie, so much that without you, I don't know if I could carry on at all... But I don't know if I can stand to stay here with you any longer.

For the past month, you've been so distant... You've been gone so much, so much more than usual. You've only been home one day this month, did you know that? And I keep offering to come with you, and you keep turning me away. Even when your here, or when I talk to you on the phone, your distant. Its been over two weeks since you last said you love me, and my heart breaks more with every day.

I left my band, my family, my home for you Bammie. I would give you the world if I could, but it breaks my heart when you won't even look at me in return. So I'm leaving. I'm going back to Finland, and I guess I won't see you again....I'm sorry Bam, I'm so sorry, but I've got to move on. I can't keep living in limbo. So I guess this is goodbye.


Willa Walo

"No. No. No, no, nononono NO!" Bam screamed. He wasn't sure when he had gotten out of bed, but he was pacing around the room like a caged tiger, holding back sobs that threatened to overpower him. He reread the letter, once, twice, three times. No, Ville couldn't be gone. Bam grabbed the first pair of pants he saw on the floor and yanked them on, before running out the door. He slipped halfway down the stairs, tumbling down headfirst with a crash. He didn't even pause, just shoved himself up off the floor. A quick glance in the studio, and he gasped, seeing that Ville's beloved guitar was gone.

"VILLE!!" He screamed, running out the front door, hoping beyond hope that somehow, Ville was still there. He was met with an empty driveway. He stood there for a long minute, watching the wind blow through the long grass of the pasture, the trees waving gently in the breeze. On a usual day, it would be peaceful and serene. Today, though, Bam felt the world was mocking him, laughing at the fact that his peace had just been torn out from under him. And over something so fucking stupid.

Bam stood there in the driveway for a long time, just staring down the road as though at any minute, Ville would come back. After a while, though, he started to notice the chilly autumn air, and headed back inside. He walked around his house, looking in every room. He noticed that Ville's things were missing, cementing into his head the idea that Ville had actually left him. He didn't notice it when the tears started slipping down his face. Eventually, he headed back upstairs. Laying down slowly on Ville's side of the bed, he snuggled into Ville's pillow, inhaling the scent of his now ex-fiance, he picked up the note again, reading once more how he had run his lover away.

Had it really been two weeks since he had told Ville he loved him? Bam thought back at the past month, realizing for the first time how much he had been gone, how much he had taken Ville for granted.

"I am so fucking stupid," he barely recognized his own voice speaking out in the empty room.

For a long time, Bam just laid there, reading and rereading the note, written in Ville's perfect handwriting. He lay there and thought of how he had treated Ville, and he thought of the reasons he had done so. And eventually, by the time the sun was setting over the long grass in the pasture, he was thinking off how to get Ville back. He sat up slowly, and reached for his phone.


Ville didn't make it ten feet out of the airport before he was lighting a cigarette. He breathed in the nicotine, taking what small enjoyment he could out of the familiar feeling of having a smoke, and looked around slowly, seeing his homeland for the first time in over a year. He let out a soft sigh, adjusted his sunglasses, and picked up his bags again. He took off at a quick pace, not meeting the eyes of anyone he passed.

He walked towards the bus stop, looking around slowly at the sights that he had begun to miss so dearly, especially within the last month. He reached the stop just as the bus was pulling up, and quickly jumped aboard. He took a seat in an empty section near the middle of the bus, setting his bags next to him so no one else could take the seat. Then he simply stared out the window.

A weak smile passed over his lips as the bus pulled away from the curb, and took the passengers deeper into Helsinki. He hadn't realized how much he missed his home city. The smile faded quickly though, as he realized that even though he was finally home, and soon to be with old friends and memories, he couldn't escape the fact that he had left his heart behind, in West Chester.

Ville sat through five stops, before his finally came. He grabbed his bags and exited the bus quickly, sparing only a small nod at the driver. His shoes slapped the pavement at a slow pace now, walking the five long blocks to his old home. He looked around, slightly amazed that only a year ago, he had walked this same path almost every day. It seemed so different now, with the smell of the crisp autumn air hitting him, the slight chill in the air that could only bring the coming of winter. He felt a pang in his heart as he remembered against his will how Bam used to set up a 'camp' in front of the fireplace at the first sign of autumn, bundling them both under piles of blankets, until they got too warm and were forced to remove some layers. Ville shook his head angirly. It would do no good to look back now. Besides, he was home.

He slowly headed up the steps to his tower. Bam had insisted that he keep it when he moved to the US. He said that they could use it as a vacation home sometime. He had assured the Finnish man that they would come back, and visit Mige and Linde, and Ville's family. But they hadn't. Bam was always to busy, and even when he was away, he wanted Ville to stay in West Chester, waiting for him to come home.

Ville unlocked the door and walked inside, dropping his bags on the floor. His nose wrinkled slightly as he observed the dust that covered his furniture. He really should have let his mom know he was coming, she would have dusted so that his allergies wouldn't act up. A sigh escaped him, and he threw himself on the couch, causing a cloud of dust to fly up and sending him into a sneezing fit.

Once his sneezing stopped, Ville curled up on the couch. He had done it. He left Bam, he was home. He had really done it. And finally, for the first time in a month, Ville let himself truly break down. He sobbed into the armrest, crying over everything that had happened. He cried for the way Bam had been acting, he cried for the love he had lost. Ville laid on the dusty couch for hours, just sobbing, until he didn't have the energy to cry anymore.

After a little while longer of lying their, he slowly sat up. He reached for his phone, and took a deep breath, before dialing the number he knew by heart.

"Hello?" the familiar, deep voice brought a smile to Ville's tear stained face.

"Hey Lily, can we talk?"


Mige met him at the airport, just as he said he would. That's the great thing about Mige, you could always count on him, even when he was pissed at you. And one look at the man's face quickly convinced Bam, that yes, Mige was very pissed at him. He tossed his small bag in the back of Mige's car, and climbed in. Mige got in the drivers side, and without a word to Bam, drove out of the busy airport. Bam lasted a whole twenty six seconds before he broke the silence.

"Is he ok? I mean, I know he's not ok, but he's not like planning to kill himself or something?"

Mige sighed, "I don't think he is. He's with Linde right now. You seriously fucked up Bam. He hasn't stopped crying since he got here."

Bam chewed on his lower lip guiltily. "I know, Mige... I just hope I'm not to late to make it right. I need him..."

"I hope you mean that," Mige glanced at Bam out of the corner of his eye, feeling just a bit of sympathy for the skater. There was silence in the car again, until they pulled up to Mige's apartment. Bam followed Mige inside, and he sat down in the armchair across from the couch that Mige had thrown himself down on. The bassist crossed his arms and looked at Bam expectantly. Bam took a deep breathe, and started doing something that he never, ever did. He begged. He begged Mige for help, he put all his many years experience of talking people into shit into his pleas. He knew that, to even be able to see Ville to talk to him, he had to have Mige and Linde on his side.

An hour later, after a lot begging, Mige agreed to help Bam. After that, they had to call Linde, who, after assuring them that the singer was fast asleep in bed, took his phone into Ville's kitchen. Linde argued, questioning Bam's motives just as Mige had done, but he caved almost as soon as Mige spoke up on Bam's behalf. The blonde never could say no to the bassist for long.

Bam almost cried in relief when Linde agreed to help, and he collapsed onto Mige's armchair from where he had been pacing for the length of the phone call. The three of them immediatly began discusing how Bam could re-win Ville's heart.

Two hours, three phone calls, and a lot of string pulling later, they had managed to pull together a plan. The best part of it, at least for Bam's frayed nerves, was that they only had to wait an hour before pulling it into action. After assuring them that he would get Ville to meet them, Linde hung up and went to rouse the singer from his dreams.

genre:angst, rating:pg-13, author:d, fic:series

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