
Jul 08, 2012 15:56

Title: Run
Genre: Drabble - Songfic - a sad one
Summary: To think I might not see those eyes, it makes it so hard not to cry.
Rating: NC-17 for character death
Word Count: 1278
Warnings: Character Death! And it's quite sad.
Disclaimer: The song Run belongs to Snow Patrol. The story is pure fiction and not intended to harm or offend anyone.

A/N: I wrote this down while listening to "Run" by Snow Patrol - if you do not know the song I do recommend to listen to it!! (The original is amazing, so is the cover version sung by Leona Lewis).

Ville closed his eyes and felt the sun warm his face - inhaling deeply, he curled his toes on the fresh grass beneath his bare feet. He gripped his guitar as if it were the only thing still keeping him upright. And maybe, maybe it was. Inhaling deeply, he found the courage to sing.

“I’ll sing it one last time for you

Then we really have to go

You’re the only thing that’s right

In all I’ve done”

He had told and retold the memories so often that they were still as vivid as they ever had been - the first night he had met him. Ville had spent many hours wondering what would have happened if Bam had not knocked on that backstage door… would they have met eventually anyways? Would fate have brought them together no matter what?

Bam had looked so young then, and so incredibly beautiful. He could remember everything about him - his tight black jeans, the clean white T-Shirt that clung to his toned body, his blue blue eyes and god, his incredible smile. Ville had never been speechless before, but when he had shook Bams hand for the first time he had not known what to say… it had been an impossible thought, but he had never wanted to let go. And a part of him had known even back then, that he had finally, finally found the missing piece to his soul.

Ville opened his eyes and, looking at the green grass beneath him, smiled at the cherished memories.

“And I can barely look at you

And every single time I do

I know we’ll make it anywhere

Away from here”

It had been very late at night, in a hotel room that was formally Villes. In a drunken haze Bam had fallen asleep on the double bed, the white linen a beautiful contrast to the dark waves of his hair. Ville had sat there, on the sheets, next to him, and simply watched him for a very long time. With every breath he had drawn in the warm scent of Bam’s skin, had listened to his regular breathing. With a rapidly beating heart he had felt love, true love, for the first time, the tenderness of his feelings for the man sleeping next to him almost too much to bear. He had realized then, that he would do anything to protect him, to see him smile. With a sigh Ville had buried his fingers in Bam’s hair, felt his heart stutter, when his lids opened and very blue eyes looked at him.

Ville had touched his lips to Bam’s so very carefully, as if afraid to be rejected. Warm shivers had run down his spine, rippled over his skin at the contact. And when Bam moved his lips under his, buried his hands in Villes hair, the wonder of being truly loved had brought tears to his eyes.

Ville could still feel Bam’s lips on his, could remember the scent of his skin. Drowning in memories, he tried hard not to cry the tears that were burning in his eyes. The sun was so warm, so kind on his skin.

“Light up, light up

As if you have a choice

Even if you cannot hear my voice

I’ll be right beside you, dear.

Louder, Louder

And we’ll run for our lives

I can hardly speak, I understand,

Why you can’t raise your voice to say”

Ville remembered feeling the sun on his face when he had stood at the window of his new apartment, looking out onto the city. It had been almost two months since he had shared his first kiss with the man that had stepped up next to him then. Bam had draped one arm around Ville’s hip, drawing him close, resting his head on Ville’s shoulder.

“I love you.”, he had whispered, looking at him from beneath dark lashes. It had been the first time either of them had spoken it out loud.

“And I love you.”, Ville had whispered back.

The warm summer sun had spilt through the open skylight above his bed. He had felt it on his bare shoulders, as he caressed each inch of Bam’s warm, smooth skin. He had feared he might be nervous the first time they made love, but all thoughts and fears were drowned by the beauty of being so close to the man that was his world. He had let go, had simply let himself fall. Their souls, two matching halves, had become whole that day, after all walls had irrevocably fallen. They had held each other close for a long time after, had shared kisses and secrets until the moon had risen. In the darkness of the falling night, they had made love again, slow and savoring. Until finally, content, they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms, their souls humming a blissful symphony.

The blue sky above him blurred as a first tear touched his cheek, running down slowly to drop into the warm grass. He drew in a shaky breath.

“To think I might not see those eyes

It makes it so hard not to cry

And as we say our long goodbyes

I’ll nearly do”

So complex - his feelings had been so incredibly complex, when Bam had taken his hand. The love that had joint them years ago had become even deeper, warmer, a quite humming of his soul. He had long forgotten what loneliness was, because even when he was not with Bam, he never felt truly alone - because Bam was a part of him, of his life. Ville had bit his lip and tried to concentrate on what was being said, but all he had been able to see had been his fiancé looking much too tempting in the tux he was wearing…  it had been distracting to the point that Ville had considered to simply pull him out of the room and take him standing up against the wall of the next dark corner. Bam had smiled seductively at him, his blue eyes glistening with the knowledge that Ville was undressing him with his eyes.

All had fallen silent as Bam had placed a simple silver ring on his ring finger. The polished metal had been warm on his skin. Ville had imagined that he was able to feel the engraving on the inside of the ring - My heaven.

All was quiet, just like they had all fallen silent on that day when he had whispered his vows. All was silent, as the tears threatened to drown his voice, making the words he sang ragged, wrong somehow. And still he sang them, loud, loud, but still not loud enough for him to hear until his ears droned.

Oh Lord.

Ville could smell the earth, warm in the sun, and could not stop the stupid fear that Bam would surely suffocate beneath all these pounds of heavy earth.

Help him, someone had to help him!

Shivering, Ville clung to his guitar, forcing himself to look at the fresh grave, could almost smell the scent of the white roses they had buried with his love only moment ago.

His tears were ridiculously warm on his feet.

Ville fell to his knees, the world a blurry mess, his soul nothing but shards, their edges rough, his heart a bloody mess.

All was empty, void of meaning now.

It was not fair.

It was not fair.

And he so desperately wished that Bam would hear the words he was singing to him.

Light up, light up

As if you have a choice

Even if you cannot hear my voice

I’ll be right beside you, dear.

genre:angst, genre:songfic, genre:drabble, author:p, rating:nc-17

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