Copyright Infringement Chapter 3

Jan 03, 2012 23:43

Once again, work has been getting the best of me. Plus moving into a new apartment. It will be a rough time, so the updates may be coming less and less frequently. But don't worry. I HAVE to write. It keeps me sane. Haha. So I will not give up on this story. =) Plus, it's just stating to get good!
Title - Copyright Infringement
Author - PlayXDead13
Summary - It all started when Bam saw HIM in a magazine. One song, and he was hooked. He even put their music in some of his CKY videos... without permission.
Disclaimer - I do not own, or know anyone or anything mentioned in this story. All I can call my own is the story line. =(
Rating - R

Bam hung up the phone and laid back on his bed, dazed. This was not what he had expected… When he heard the voice on the other end of the phone tell him, in a thick accent, that he was HIM’s manager and found out about his videos, Bam surely thought his ass would be in a court room before he could even blink. But to his surprise, the accented voice had said “So, I see you’re a director…”

And now here he was: The future director of a HIM music video.

“Earth to Bam!” Jess called, waving his hand in front of his younger brother’s face. Bam blinked and focused his eyes on Jess.

“So,” Jess continued. “Are you sued yet?”

“No actually,” answered Bam, still a little dazed by the whole thing. “They want me to direct a music video for them.”

“Oh that’s great!” Jess exclaimed. Though Bam thought his excitement came mostly from the fact that he wasn’t getting sued. “Did they tell you what song?”

“No, Seppo said that was for Ville Valo and me to decide.”

Jess gave his brother a smirk, earning a glare back in return.

“Don’t you give me that look,” Bam snapped. “I don’t even wanna know what you’re thinking.”

Jess held his hands up in a defensive pose.

“Okay fine,” he said, still trying to hide a smirk. “Hey listen, I’m going back to sleep. I’m exhausted.”

“Aww what?” Bam teased. “All this travelling the world being famous got you all tired out?”

Jess stood up with a tired groan, but a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Yeah, like how staying up jerking it to Ville Valo’s pictures tires you out.”

“Goddamnit Jess! I told you I didn’t want to know what you were thinking, you sick bastard!” Bam screeched, picking up his pillow and throwing it as hard as he could at Jess.

Jess cackled and darted out of the room, slamming Bam’s door behind him.


The air seemed to change more and more the further away the HIM bus got from familiar territory. Ville sat staring out the window, cigarette in hand, trying to appear calm. But inside he was a little kid, wanting to turn and ask their driver “Are we there yet?” every few minutes.

As far as Ville had been told, they were to get as far west as they could, then hop on a plane over the ocean to Los Angeles, California. Which confused him a little. He was told that Bam lived in Pennsylvania, so why go to California? Plus, Ville hated plane rides. They made him nauseous.

It felt like Ville had been lost in thought for years, when the bus finally pulled into airport parking and slowed to a stop. Ville stood and stretched, catlike, when Linde came around the corner and poked him in the stomach, earning a surprised squeak.

“So how do you feel?” Linde asked his friend. “We’ve never been to America before. This is so exciting!”

Ville couldn’t help but smile at the excitable blonde, as they and the rest of the band walked off the bus and towards the airport doors.

“I agree,” Ville answered. “I’ve dreamt about coming here and playing shows for years. I’ve always wondered what it was like…”

“Well maybe if you bat your eyelashes and wiggle your hips, you can convince the American boy to show you around!” Linde laughed.

Ville rolled his eyes and reached for the pack of cigarettes in his pocket. He fumbled with his lighter, hands shaking so much from excitement, that he could not, no matter how darkly he glared at it, get the lighter to cooperate. Linde laughed again and took the lighter from him. He flicked the side wheel with his thumb, and the flame appeared. Linde “oohed” and “ahhed” in mock excitement, then lit the cigarette between Ville’s lips.

“You need to calm down,” Linde said, a serious note in his voice. “Your asthma.”

“I know,” Ville snapped. He hated being reminded of his asthma. It made him feel bad. Bad about smoking, bad about singing, bad about touring all over Europe… It was like he had a disability that everyone would not stop pointing out.

Luckily, there wasn’t time for Linde to take offense (even though Ville knew he wouldn’t have anyways), because as they walked closer to the airport doors, they could see Seppo waving them on impatiently.

“Now really,” Seppo sighed, exasperated, when the band made it through the door. “You all are so slow you make me look like I’m in my 20s again!”

Ville could hear Gas and Burton giggling behind him and it made a smile crack his face as well. Seppo was indeed old, but never once acted like it. He was still as tough as they came.

“Oh relax,” Mige sighed. “Or as the Americans say, ‘take a chill pill’.”

Burton snorted again, and it was all Ville could do to keep from laughing. Seppo’s angry face softened when he looked at Ville and he smiled.

“Well, no harm done,” he said. “Come on, before our flight leaves without us!”

Seppo led the way and the band followed. Burton muttered “Teacher’s pet” loud enough for Ville to hear, and the rest of the band giggled. Ville sighed heavily. It was going to be a long trip…

genre:angst, genre:fluff, rating:r, fic:series, author:p

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