Sorry guys!

Dec 19, 2011 20:14

Life has a way of catching up to you and making it to where you have little to no time to do what makes you happy. It's all work, work, work. But a year later, here I am. =D I really hope I still have some readers. If not, I'm going to post the previous chapters, so maybe I can recruit more readers. =) I must apologize though, if I'm a little rusty..."><"><

And here's the newest chapter. ENJOY!!

Title - Copyright Infringement
Author - PlayXDead13
Summary - It all started when Bam saw HIM in a magazine. One song, and he was hooked. He even put their music in some of his CKY videos... without permission.
Disclaimer - I do not own, or know anyone or anything mentioned in this story. All I can call my own is the story line. =(
Rating - R

“Ville, what the hell?” Linde snapped from the other room. “You’re cackling like a hyena in there!”

Ville snorted and wiped a tear from his eye. He was laughing so hard at the CKY videos he was crying.

“You should come in here and look at this!” Ville called.

Linde peaked around the corner and gave Ville a death glare.

“Remember, these are the people who STOLE our music.” Linde snapped, putting an emphasis on the word ‘stole’. Ville sighed. He knew his friend was right, and he did feel guilty for enjoying the videos, but this Bam guy was so handsome that even without the humor, it still would have been enjoyable.

Linde glanced at the computer screen, and a grin cracked over his face.

“You’ve got a thing for the American, don’t you?” Linde teased.

“Shut up!” Ville whined, sounding a lot like a small child. “I do not! It’s just funny!”

“Oh don’t you give me that!” Linde flopped down in the seat next to Ville. “Go on, press play. Let’s see what has our Mr. Valo’s panties all wet.”

“You’re gross,” Ville answered, but pressed the play button anyways. In this scene, the one who’s name Ville learned was Ryan Dunn was being pushed off a roof in a barrel. The barrel rolled down the side of the roof, Ryan still half hanging out, and hit the ground with a sickening “thud”. After a few minutes, the camera turned so that a shocked, open mouthed Bam Margera was in sight. Linde sighed.

“He’s not bad,” he said. “But he’s stupid.”

“Yeah, I guess a little stupid, but it’s funny, and-“

“A-HA!” Linde cried triumphantly. “So you agree he’s not bad looking! You’ve got a thing for the American boy!”
Ville blushed and buried his face in his arms while Linde laughed and danced around him.

His friends all knew he had no gender preference when it came to love and lust. Which gave them more opportunities to tease him if he stared longer than two seconds at a person. Truthfully, Ville didn’t mind his friends’ teasing. It was all harmless fun. But sometimes he just wished they would shut up and let him talk to a person, or watch a person from afar without a stupid comment.

Just then, Burton walked into the room, a smile on his face.

“Seppo found the American,” he announced, “Guess he’s pretty popular back in the States. He’s on some show called ‘Jackass’. All Seppo had to do was an internet search on him.”

“Surprised Ville hasn’t already done an internet search for him,” Linde laughed.

“Oh would you come off it?” Ville shot a playful glare at his friend.

Burton rolled his eyes, but continued.

“Well then you should be happy to hear this then,” he said. “He and Seppo really hit it off apparently. Seppo wants to schedule a meeting with him, and us, to decide which music video he will be directing for us.”

Ville’s jaw dropped. He did NOT see that coming at all!

“Wow, that’s unexpected!” he voiced outloud. “I thought Seppo was going to rip him a new one!”

Ville thought he heard Linde mutter something under his breath that sounded like “bet you wish YOU could” but he stubbornly ignored him.

“No, you know how nice Seppo is,” Burton answered. “I’m sure he’s wanting one of us to yell at him when we meet him. He probably couldn’t bring himself to be mean to anyone, even if they deserve it.”

“So, when are we supposed to meet?” Linde asked.

“Hmm,” Burton thought. “We have a show coming up tomorrow, and the day after that… But I think after that we have a couple free days. So probably within the week.”

Ville’s stomach flipped. He was going to meet this boy… in less than a week? He wasn’t prepared for this! What would he wear…?

Linde nudged Ville and laughed.

“Oh god you should see your face!” he panted. “You look so horrified! Probably stressing over what you’re going to wear that day, huh?”

“I SO am not!” Ville gasped, defensively.

”Damn him…”

genre:fluff, rating:r, fic:series, genre:comedy, author:p

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