Dancing with the stars

Oct 01, 2011 21:18

Title: Dancing with the stars (2/4)
Author: Abz666
Rating: PG-17
Pairing: Bam/Missy, Vam
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in the story, the story is just made up.
Summary: Bam is forced to do something he does not want to do.
Warning(s): Nothing apart from gays dancing and a bit of swearing
AN: Got the idea at a mates house while being drunk. Drunk says it all about the story

http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3961727.html  chapter 1

Bam has spent the next two weeks trying to learn the basic steps to the Paso doble but is finding it difficult. This just gets on Derek nervous when Bam did the steps wrong for the 100th time that day. “My God. You are the worst dancer I have ever been paired with. You can’t do anything right.” Bam gets extremely angry.

“Yeah well. Excess me for being fucking crap at the god damn stupid dance. Like I said, I didn’t even want to do this. I‘m a skater not a god damn Nancy pancy dancer. I‘m outta here.” Derek turns the music of. “Where the hell do you think you are going?”

Bam turns to face him “ON A BREAK. WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT LOOK LIKE I’M DOING.” Bam stormed out of the dance studio. “Yeah well, I hope you come back in a better mood and want to do this dance.” Bam didn’t hear what was said. “I don’t get why they have given Bam this dance. He is never going to get it in a million years. I may as well give up.”

In frustration, Derek kicked the wall hard and ends up breaking his leg so he cannot carry on with the show. The next day, Bam walks into the studio thinking that Derek would be there only to find it empty. Bam sighed and sat down. After 5 minutes of waiting, Bam started fiddling with his hands when the door opened.

“It’s about fucking time. Where the hell have you been?” The stranger looked taken back as he has never met Bam before. After a moment of silence Bam looked at the person and how terrified he looked. “I’m sorry. I was expecting..” “Derek. I know you were. I take it no-one has told you. Jesus Christ you can’t get the staff these days.”

Bam looked confused. “What the hell is going on?” The tall stranger smile politely at Bam. “I’m sorry for being rude. I’m Ville and I’m taking over from Derek.” Bam looked happy at the fact he didn’t have to work with Derek again. He held his hand out for Ville to shake. “What wrong with Derek?”

Ville laughed and Bam couldn’t help but notice hot cute it sounded. This thought surprised him and was brought out of it by Ville voice. “He get a little stressed out the other day after dancing with you and took it out on the door. I feel sorry for the door. We had to replace it.”

Bam was shaking his head. “I don’t care about the door. What happened?” Ville glared at the floor. “Yeah he broke his foot. It’s ashamed thats all he broke.” Bam looked confused again and was trying to work out what the last statement was about. “I take it that you don’t like him?” Ville looked up and nodded his head.

“Bastered broke Jesse heart.” Bam looked at Vilel with a confused look. “Ville who is Jesse?”  Ville sighed.  “Jesse is my brother.” Bam smiled. “And I thought dancers weren’t gay.” this had Ville laughing. “Hey, not all dancers are gay. A few of them are bio. Less talk about dancers and more talk about the dance. How far into the Paso doble are you?”

It was Bam turn to look down and blushed. “Not very far. I’m crap at it.” Ville grabbed a chair and sat down. “Why? What makes you say that?” Bam spoke using a small voice. “I’ve been doing the dance for two weeks and have not get any of it right yet. Plus Derek got angry about it so I just gave up.”

Ville was rubbing his chin. “I get it. Mr perfect has to have everything nice and clean. He forgets that some people have never danced before and it takes time for them to get the dance right. It takes time and practices as well as a bit of faith.”

Bam looked shocked at this. “So you don’t think I’m a loser.” Ville was shaking his head. “Just caus you don’t get it first time doesn’t make you a loser. It just means you have to work harder at it. How long have you got?” Bam smiled and forgot about having to meet Missy at 4pm. “however long you need me to stay.” Ville smiled. “Correct answer. Now let’s start.”

Ville taught Bam a simple Paso doble which he got after a while and Ville was happy with Bam progress, they had a break. “So why did you start dancing?” Ville looked taken back by the question. “I don’t know. I just started doing it and enjoyed it. What about you?”

Bam snorted. “My mates entered me to get their own back on me for all the pranks I have pulled on them. What’s the Paso doble about?” Ville eyes lit up at this question which bam noticed and smiled to himself. “The Paso Doble is based on the bullfight. The man represents the bullfighter, 'Torero', and the lady the red cape or 'cappa'. The dance should be very dramatic. Marching beat, matches movement of the bodies.”

There was a comfortable silence which was broken by Bam mobile going off. Bam answered it and winced.

“Why the hell are you so late Bam? What is taking you so long?”

“it’s not late and I’m just starting to get the hang of the dance.”
“I don’t care. You are two hours late. Just get home know.”

Missy hung up before Bam could say anything. He then looked at Ville. “Wife calling to check that you haven’t run away?” Bam just laughed. “Yeah something like that. I had fun see you tomorrow.” “Me to.”

rating:pg, author:a

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