(no subject)

Feb 13, 2005 11:38

In Memory

Authors: Rissa & M. Dawn

Summary: “I turn the pages on the story of my life, its been by far the worst chapter I could imagine me to write; about a promise for forever, broken then put back together now its safe to say, there is no chance saving you this time, so just walk away tonight and never say goodbye.”

Rated: R (Strong drama, intense scenes, and some sex!)

Disclaimer: Never happened. Everything else is Rissa and MD’s steal it and we’ll stalk you! ;)

AN: This story takes place in the future where Ville is in his 40’s, and he goes into a memory of the past from a certain ‘script’.

Chapter 11 ( Today Without Tomorrow )
August 10, 2005
Ville walked in from therapy and saw Bam sitting on the couch. Bam was screwing the trucks onto a deck he had. When Ville crossed through the doorway, he paused briefly out of the sheer surprise that Bam was actually somewhere he might run into him. Ville then continued on past the couch towards the stairs and the haven of the guestroom.
“How was therapy?”
Ville paused, unsure he had in fact heard Bam speak. Glancing back he saw Bam looking up at him expectantly a screwdriver paused in mid-air. So he had heard him. “Fine.” Ville answered. He turned puzzled by the interaction and continued to his room smiling, as he heard his voice quietly sing “The gates of grace on me and you deceiving our restless hearts.” It was the first time in a long time that Ville had heard Bam listen to a HIM song.
The rest of August continued on just the same as it had been. A small nod here and there, but mostly the two men stayed behind closed doors, avoiding each other and the awkwardness that was present when they were together. Ville for the most part was busy practicing and painting. But mostly he practiced. He actually found himself longing for Bam to go out to skate because he could be in the privacy of the house and sing. He didn’t really sound like himself. It was more like a shadow lost in the fog of the forest than his real voice. But on the days that he was alone, he would go into the echo friendly bathroom. If he steamed up the bathroom and dimmed the lights and concentrated he could almost hear the old Ville in there somewhere. That was the Ville he longed to find. If only the journey back to him wasn’t so long and plagued with obstacles.
August 31, 2005
Overhearing Bam agreeing to meet the crew and Jenn for lunch, Ville got excited about the prospect of having the house to himself. They were all going over to the new shopping mall for lunch to try grinding on all the new spots the recently built rails and sidewalk ramps provided. It was an old Bam joy that would keep him away from home for hours. Instead of wondering what Bam would tell his friends about him, like he usually did, Ville actually got excited about the idea of practicing. Morgan had helped him to learn to hold longer notes recently and he wanted to experiment.
Bam showered and ran out of the house, hair still wet. Ville dashed into the bathroom the second the front door clicked shut. The steam from Bam’s too hot shower enveloped him. He looked around and noticed that the glass shower door had been pushed open. Bam always put his hand on the glass instead of using the handle, leaving handprints there. Sure enough there was the outline of Bam’s hand on the frosted glass. Ville put his hand there picturing Bam on the other side of the glass with his hand raised also. Ville marveled at how his slightly more slender hand seemed to match perfectly to Bam’s just a bit larger one. Ville stared at the small outline that Bam’s print made around his own hand. He followed the water that trickled into the space from the top of the door. He thought of all the times Bam’s hand had been entwined in his. Happy times, sad times, passionate times, and times of loss. And just like that he started to sing. It was raspy and lacked some of the bass, but it was still Ville. Holding out notes was not as easy as it used to be, but in that moment a song started to form. There amongst the steam, while Ville’s hand was pressed against the remains of Bam’s, the first sounds of a real song came. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a start.
September 23, 2005
Bam used his index finger to lightly push the door to Ville’s room open. In the recent weeks he had taken to the habit of watching Ville sleep. Every evening the man would paint until about midnight. He would go downstairs to have a hot tea with lemon that he used to warm his throat, and then would be off to bed. Bam remembered Ville usually slept in only shorts or nothing at all. Once he was in bed he would usually fall asleep in a matter of minutes, unless they were talking. Bam would give him until about two in the morning and then would sneak in and just watch Ville for a few minutes. He would watch the way his breath would make his chest rise and fall. His arm stretched out and his hair spread around him, Bam often thought he looked kind of angelic. With lips slightly parted, he would often make the tiniest little moans. His profile always struck Bam. As if chiseled from marble, Bam would marvel at how the man was so defined. He remembered what it felt like to be wrapped in those long slender arms, and how he would lightly trace the pattern Ville’s tattoo made.
It was usually too much for Bam to take, and he would retreat to his room, but not at two a.m. on September 23, 2005. On that night Bam felt drawn to Ville. He entered the room quietly. Glancing around the room, he saw a chair with a small pile if Ville’s clothes next to it. His long black scarf hung from the back of the chair. And propped near the always-covered easel was one of Ville’s acoustic guitars. Bam would often hear Ville strum some unknown melody. Smoothing the hair from Ville’s face, Bam bent down to really look at Ville. The sheet was only pulled up to his waist. Bam studied every line of the tattoos before him. He reached out wanting to trace Ville’s lips with the tip of his finger, but paused half way there. Instead he leaned closer to Ville and placed a light kiss on his forehead. “I miss you,” he whispered, and as quickly as he had come he was gone. Ville stirred and opened one of his eyes. Thinking it was just the shadow of the trees blowing in the wind on the wall, he turned over and went back to sleep. A sleep that for seven hours a night let him believe everything was right in the world.
October 9, 2005
It was only a few months to the day that Ville had been attacked. Even though he often would rather not, he remembered most of what happened. It seemed like a lifetime ago that he had even been at the bar. Just needing to clear his head, Ville headed out to the back yard. He sat in one of the chairs by the picnic table. The breeze blew through his hair. Ville had taken the day off from painting and instead fed his creative side by looking at the beauty of nature around him. He glanced at the deck and noticed a small piece of paper stuck in the corner of the railing farthest from him.
Taking a few long strides, he picked up the piece of paper. It was Bam’s drawing of the skateboard from their game of charades. Ville thought what a prick he had been at that time. He felt bad for how he had acted. Bam had only been trying to help. Instead of expressing his need for space he just pushed the other man away. Ville looked at the skateboard and laughed. It was an out-loud laugh that was as clear as the fall day. It was a laugh not lost on Bam as he opened the back door. It was good to hear Ville laugh, but the more he was able to do with his voice, the closer to leaving Ville really was.
“Ville,” he said addressing the other man.
“Bam,” Ville answered back.
“I just wanted to give you this paperwork from the hospital. I left it near the phone, but I guess you didn’t see it. I didn’t want it to get lost.”
“Thank you.”
“Ville?” Bam asked as he was getting ready to head back indoors.
“What made you laugh?” Bam inquired and then quickly added, “I mean it is good to hear you laugh.” “Just this picture of a roller skate I found,” Ville said as he handed the picture to Bam. And then for the first time since they had stopped speaking, the two men laughed together in the autumn breeze.
October 17, 2005
Morgan smiled as she handed Ville the report she had written. “Mr. Valo, it looks like in two weeks you and I will no longer be meeting, except if you need something else. What I am saying is, that I think, you will no longer be in need my services. You have made remarkable progress since you have dedicated yourself to this. Is there anything else I can do for you in these next few visits?”
Ville had been waiting for the right time to ask this. He reached into the black leather bag he had brought with him. “This is about my reason,” he started handing her a CD. “There is this song I used to sing, and I want to sing it again. I have been practicing, and I understand you are not a voice coach, but will you help me?”
Taking it and putting it into the CD player, she pushed play and listened. “For you, I will try,” she promised.
October 23, 2005
Bam had been busy doing ollies at his home skatepark when he saw the UPS van drive up. Not really sure why it was coming to his house, he stopped skating and picked up his board. “May I help you?” he asked the driver.
“Delivery for a Brandon Margera.”
“That’s me,” Bam said and signed for the box.
As the driver pulled away, Bam skipped to the steps and sat down to open it. He knew his birthday was a month ago, but he still loved getting presents. Tearing open the paper, he saw that the package had come from Fairman’s. He hadn’t ordered anything recently, and that fact intrigued him all the more.
Inside there was a note from the owner of Fairman’s. It read simply, “Sorry this took so long. There has been a delay on custom decks, even for you!” Underneath that, there was an envelope with Ville’s handwriting on it. Bam opened the envelope and pulled out what looked like a piece of graph paper that Fairman’s had when people wanted to customize decks.
June 9, 2005
I am sorry I screwed up your party last night. I am going to make it up to you in all that I do. I just wanted to get you a little something to go with my actions. I designed this for you and hope you like it, sweetheart. Well I better go. There is this girl that keeps staring at me. I think she may be a fan of yours judging from her purchases! Oh! And I didn’t spell your name wrong, before you say anything. Ville + Bam = Vam! Isn’t that great? I got it off the Internet. Enjoy this and may you do many kickflips on it, sweetheart. Love always,
Bam almost choked when he realize that it was the day Ville had been attacked. How long before that had Ville written this? Minutes? Hours? Bam pushed the tissue paper aside and there was a purple deck with 4 stars and this 3D heartagram. Centered at the bottom was the word VAM. Bam chuckled at that. They were Vam. It made him laugh. Then in an instant he started crying, hugging the board to him, and wishing he could just rewind the past few months.
October 23, 2005
I miss you! Damn, I can’t stop wanting to tear up. I got your present, but I don’t even know if I should go and say thank you when I look like this. Oh Ville, somehow that party doesn’t even seem to matter anymore. How have we come to this? And now that you are speaking again, it scares me to think you might start to sing. Because if you do, how am I supposed to ask you to leave? Maybe Ape is right! I am stubborn. I would ask you what you thought, but…
“You are stubborn, Bammie!” Ville announced to the emptiness of the attic. October 23rd. That was almost when he finished therapy. He remembered how Morgan had kissed him on the cheek that last day. She had mumbled something about him being one of the most amazing individuals she had ever met. In return he had given her a bracelet made of amber stones that accented her brown skin nicely. Ville had told Morgan how nervous he was when he left her office. He felt that nervous now just remembering what had happened next.
October 31, 2005
As Bam climbed into bed in the darkness, he felt something poke him in the head. He flipped on the light to see a small folded piece of paper. Opening it, he read, “Brandon, tomorrow when you get home from your skate show, meet me in the living room. Please come. Ville” Bam noticed the handwriting was not too steady, even for Ville. He folded the note and held it in his hand as he fell asleep still wondering.
November 1, 2005
Several candles lit the room. All the furniture had been pushed to the wall. In the center of the Oriental rug there were two of the bar stool chairs from the kitchen. As Bam glanced around he noticed that Ville had lit the fireplace to take the chill out of the house. Bam sat down in the chair facing the fireplace and placed the board Ville had given him beside it. Bam wondered what Ville was up to. If he had wanted to talk, he wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble would he? Bam glanced at the stairs and saw Ville descending them. He had his acoustic guitar in his hand. Bam’s heart lurched. Quietly he walked to the seat opposite Bam. He looked deeply into Bam’s eyes.
Neither man said a word for a moment. They just looked at each other. Bam was all sweaty and dirty from skating. His hair was tussled and his eyes reflected the flames behind Ville. Ville was dressed in his tightest jeans. He had on his Rolling Stones t-shirt and his long black scarf and hat. Neither man had thought the other had ever looked better than at that moment.
“Bam,” Ville spoke breaking the silence, “I just want you to listen, sweetheart. I want to play you something.”
Bam opened his mouth to speak, but not being sure of his own voice, he simply nodded. Framed by the fire, Ville picked up his guitar, crossed his legs, and started to strum. At first Ville hummed quietly. Bam was worried about what to do and think. Could Ville sing? Would he sing? And if he did, what would that mean for them? Bam wondered if he would be able to ask Ville to leave. He must have had a look of panic on his face, because when Ville looked up at him, he stopped playing briefly. Ville swallowed and closed his eyes. Then in the midst of the sounds of the guitar, Ville Valo began to sing.
Is it so hard to believe our hearts
Are made to be broken by love
That in constant dying lies
The beauty of it all
My darling won't you feel
The sweet heaven in
Our endless cry

Oh at least you could try
For this one last time

So amazed how bright are the flames
We are burning in
Ever smiled at the tragedies
We hold inside
My darling won't you cherish
The fear of life that keeps
You and me so alive

Oh at least you could try
For this one last time
It could be alright
For this one last time
Oh at least you could try
(and we just will be closer)
For this one last time
(let me fall into your arms)
It could be alright
(don't let us grow colder)
For this one last time
(let me close to your heart)

Oh at least you could try
(and before it's over)
For this one last time
(let me fall into your arms)
It could be alright
(before it's all over)
For this one last time
(let me close to your heart)

“ Bam, could we try this one last time?” Ville asked as he looked up to see the expression had softened on Bam’s face. Tears glistened in his eyes and Bam opened his mouth to answer…
lyrics from Endless Dark and "One Last Time" by Valo
Chapter inspired by lyrics Circle of Fear by HIM

Feedback is always wonderful, you guys are great. The last Chapter is coming soon, perhaps a delay that way it's worth the wait and I can make it wonderful for you guys. This Chapter is amazing and I'm so enthralled with it that all the mad props go to itwaslv2me for writing such a beautiful piece that I hope I can do it's justice in Chapter 12. Enjoy and I'll get to writing. ;P
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