Too Much Of Not Enough - Chapter 45.

Apr 26, 2011 14:16

Title: Too Much Of Not Enough - Chapter 45.
Author: musicophilia, a.k.a ecstatic_agony
Rating: PG-13 through to NC-17
Pairing: Vam.
Summary: Ville is driving himself down the path to destruction and Bam is scared, but will his reaction drive them apart... Or closer? [The alternative tale of Ville's rehabilitation.]
Disclaimer: About as true as Don Vito is sexy Ville is fat...
Feedback: For this fic, I honestly need to know what your thoughts are.
Warnings: It will be a little angsty, a little painful, maybe a touch fluffy.
Dedication: messandlore
Author's Note: Please see Chapter 1 for my note.
Author's Note #2: Remember this fic? Yeah, I didn't think so! My apologies - once again - for the delay, but things should speed up a little from here. I've resigned from my job and am now a full time mother, although I still have at least 9 months of post-op healing to do before my hand/wrist/arm will be (hopefully) back to normal! And remember, it's always helpful to re-read the previous chapter :)
Previous Chapters: Here.

Too Much Of Not Enough - Chapter 45.

fic:series, author:m

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