T'was the Night before Ville Valo went nuts!

Apr 09, 2011 06:51

Title: T'was the Night before Ville Valo went nuts!
Author: Me (Beckett)
Summary: Fell off his rocker, lost his microphone, dove into the deep end, sailed passed the moon!
Rating: PG13

The house was loud, loud. There was chaos all about. Chairs and tables throwen, broken gutiars, skatedecks, picture frames, tvs and glass of all colors and sizes. Flour covered the floor from antiquing, holes littered the walls, peices of medievil armor laid up and down the three story house. The dogs barked and the cats hissed. The couch was broken in half, the sliding glass door to the back desk was open, the front doors were missing in action. Annoying car alarms all over the property went off as hoods and bumpers to the cars were jumped on and kicked. The quad was running wild through the grass, the squirrels and gophers ran and hid in their homes. The bathtubs and sinks over flowed, as did the washer and dryers. The contents of the fridge spladed all over the kitchen, the mircowave even exploded!! There were steps missing on the staircase leading to the upper floor of the house, the railing was hanging on by a single nail in the middle. Keyboard keys from the computer were scattered all over the home office, the mouse as smashed to bits, the moniter hung out the window and the CPU was throwen out said window. Clothes riped to shreds, CDs of all kinds broken and made a sparkly trail, pillows in the toilets, mattress soaked in soda and water from the bathroom overflow. Tile and hardwood floor panels pulled up and super mighty glued to the ceiling and OH SO MUCH MORE CHAOS!!!

What's all this comotion, you ask? I'll tell you, T'was the night Ville Valo went nuts. Fell off his rocker, lost his microphone, dove into the deep end, sailed passed the moon. Third star to the left and on til morning!!

But he didn't start out the way. On the other side of it actually, the afternoon before hand he was perfectly fine. He woke up at morning in a good mood, had breakfast, drank coffee, read the news paper, played around with some songs and said good bye to his boyfriend, who was going out on a skate demo and wouldn't be back til the next afternoon. Then somewhere between 5pm that afternoon and 8pm that night, something deep inside of him that he wasn't even aware of, snapped and he went nuts, Coo-coo, bonkers, crazy, straight out fucking looney....my favorite!

When Ville's boyfriend, Bam drove up the driveway far enough, he knew something was wrong. He saw the wild quad, the missing front doors and heard the car alarms going off. As he walked into the house he was met with the rest of the chaos. Bam was stunned, upset, pissed off, but importantly worried about Ville. There wasn't a single sign of him anywhere. Not in the living room, kitchen, dining room, office, bedrooms, bathrooms or outside. Quickly jumping on the phone, he called everyone he could, his mom and dad, his brother and all of his friends with in 30 minutes of his house. They all rushed to his house as fast as he could.

"Bam, What's going?" Evil Jared asked as he stepped over the broken Tv, laying on the floor.

"Look at my house," Bam yelled motioning to his house erratically with his arms. "More importantly what's missing!?!"

The group of people looked around, trying to figure out what was missing.

"VILLE IS MISSING!!!!" Bam screamed at the top of his lungs. All his friends and Family became alarmed, Ville was missing.

"We have to find him." Ape, Bam's mom, said. "Everyone spread out over the house and property. Look everywhere and if you find him, call." She said and they all fanned out.

They searched and they searched, until Frantz was walking around the house and he happened to look up and catch a glimce of something purple on the roof of the house. Walking back a few feet to get a better look, Frantz was met with a very naked Ville sitting on the roof of the house in only his favoriate beanie.

"Ville?" Frantz called up to the Finn. "What'cya doin'?" Ville looked down at Frantz, his green eyes frantic.

"I'm stuck." Ville said in a shaking voice.

"How'd you get up there?"

"I don't know, but please get me down." he pleaded.

Frantz nodded and pulled out his cell, "Uh, yeah, Bam. It's Frantz, I found Ville. I'm out back." With in seconds Bam was there.

"Where is he?" he asked. Frantz pointed up at Ville on the roof, Bam followed his finger and nearly had a heartattack. "Ville Valo, what the hell are you doing up there!!!??" He yelled.

"I don't know Bammie. But I can't get down and I'm freaked out. I think I'm gunna have a asthma attack." Ville told him, his breathing already ragged.

"Okay, okay." Bam said trying to think. "Just relax." he said maping out the possible way that Ville got up there. Finding away, he ran off into the house. Carefully he crawled out onto the roof to Ville. "Okay, V. Come on, I got you." he said leading Ville back in. Before they went downstairs, Ville got dressed.

"What happened, Ville?" Bam asked as Ville pulled on a pair of pants.

"I don't know, Bam. Honestly, I don't. I was cool one moment then the next I'm up there naked." he explained finishing getting dressed. They went downstairs and met up with everyone.

"Oh my god, Ville." Ape howled, hugging him. "I thought something really bad happened to you." she pulled back. "What happened?"

"He doesn't know." Bam answered for him.

Nudie came up from the kitchen holding an unmarked water bottle was 3/4th gone. "Ville, did you drink this?" he asked showing the bottle to the Finn.

"Yeah, I did. I need some water after I finished messing with some songs." Ville said studying the bottle.

"Why does that matter?" Dunn asked.

"This isn't all water." Nudie said. "Its also mixed with some of the shit I do." Bam grabbed Nudie by the shirt tightly.

"You mean that, that fucking water is spiked!?" He yelled giving Nudie a good shake.

"Yeah, I didn't think anyone would drink it."

"You put spiked water, unmarked in the fridge with a bunch of other water and didn't think anyone would drink it." Jess said seething, too.

"You could have killed Ville!" Jimmy Pop growled.

"I'm sorry." Nudie said.

"Not good enough!" Bam said punching him in the face. "Get the fuck out of my house and never come back, you hear!? You're not welcome!!" he screamed pushing Nudie in the direction of the door. The rest of the crew 'helped' him to find his way off the property. Bam turned to Ville, who was white faced and shaking.

"Get his inhaler." Bam snapped, turning a chair up right and seating Ville in it. "Ville, look at me. It's okay, you're fine." he tired to convince his lover.

"Again," Ville whispered. "I've been drugged again." Bam's heart and world shattered, he embraced Ville.

"I'm sorry, I'm so...so sorry, Will." he whispered in the singer's ear. "I should have taken you with me to New York. This would have never happened, if I did."

"Just don't leave me, Brandon." Ville whimpered. "I just wanna be with you."

"I won't ever leave you." He said kissing him. "Ever, I promise."

author:b, rating:pg-13, genre:drabble

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