I is back!! With a treat~

Jan 20, 2011 19:21

Title: It Isn't We It's just "Us." (Part One Of Two)

Author: xbrokendollzx

Rating: R

Warnings: Sex, Language, Humor, Slash

Disclaimer: This never occured to my knowledge, and I don't know or own the boys. I wouldn't be writing this if I did.

Pairing: VAM

Summary: Ville and Bam werent lovers, but never denied being attracted to each other. They never labeled what they had, for the simple fact that they never felt the need to do so...and that it never stayed the same anyhow.

Author's Note:  Not much sexiness happening in this chappie ladies. This is the beginning. Good to be back!

  There were countless times where Ville wondered why he let Bam drag him into some situations. Of course he couldn't answer it because to him it was a trick question. There was an infinite amount of answers because it depended on the situation. In this case it was because Bam had taken the initiative to proclaim that Ville was in dire need of a vacation. Ville honestly would admit it himself since he was about as close to locking himself away in his tower for a very long period of time as he could get. The recent tour had been extremely long and tiring, and to make matters worse he was sleepless as always so there was no way that he could at least shut his eyes and get some relief.

He needed to get away from Finland. He personally did like the vacant quiet of his own home but he was almost sure that if he didn't escape it's solitude that he would sink deep into a depression or go insane. Ville was honestly sick of being so known in the first place so he wanted to go someplace where he didn't feel like a rock star. He needed to be around people that knew him well enough so that he didn't get special treatment, or  unnecessary attention. He wanted to do whatever the fuck he wanted without repercussions, or worrying about his image. Of course, he knew that he would always be a rock star to Bam but there was a difference. He was his Willa not Finnish rock god Ville Valo. There was an absolute distinctive difference between the two and Ville was thankful for it.

Aside from a threat to "Come down there, Drag his skinny ass all through Northern Europe, across the Northern Atlantic Ocean, (which made absolutely no sense but Ville didn't dare interrupt Bam's little ladies' rage he had been having because the younger man had a ridiculous amount of money and could probably find some way to make it happen) and to North America, "Get your ass on a plane Finncess" Was all he'd needed to hear before he made travel arrangements.

After accepting the extremely tempting offer which was welcomed to trade the solitude of his tower in for the insanity at castle Bam for a month or so, Ville had felt like he had done something for once without second guessing himself. There was no way he could anyhow because Bam had forced him to drop all the baggage he had been carrying throughout nine months of touring as soon as they'd met up at the airport gate. As usual, He had walked out with his luggage in his hand but through out the years he had learned to always be on point. All of a sudden there was a shout that consisted of "Willa fucking Walo!" And a blur as Bam ran at him full speed. In a split second Ville was on the cold marble of the floor with an armful of hyperactive skater.

Ville simply smiled, brushing away the messy curls from his forehead and planted a kiss in the very center as a silent hello. Of course, Bam made a spectacle of it all and rolled around the floor with him raving about the "Rad ass time" they were about to have. Ville had always looked forward to it, so the people that walked by wondering why in the world two grown men were rolling around on the floor together in a tangle of yelling and gaspy giggles didn't bother him one bit. If they dared ask they would get either of two answers. Bam's "Because we fucking feel like it." Or Ville's "Because we want to fuck so badly, and unfortunately we cant wait any longer." Funny how both answers got them removed by airport security multiple times. Perhaps Bam was rubbing off on him after all.

And now here they were hours later, at about one in the morning at a club called Oasis deep in the city of Philadelphia. Bam had insisted on dragging him to it and of course Ville gave in to the little pout, and the large glassy cerulean orbs. Ville was actually surprised in the first place because he had never seen the typical trashy night club as Bam's scene in the first place. He wouldn't complain though. Aside from the grinding that was fucking from his point of view, it was an enjoyable experience.

Being on the sober end was even more different because he honestly had never noticed how amusing it was to watch everyone get wasted and do things they wouldn't remember in the morning. Now he would be the one everyone came to asking that question. He couldn't help but remember when he used to be in on all of the drinking and partying. Bam had been a hell of a drinking buddy and still was, just not to him. They kept up with each other with no problem because whichever one went back for another drink they made a mental note to order for two. At the end of the night they ended up cuddled on a balcony or in the tub.

When Ville had decided that Bam had enough, he hauled Bam out of the club and began to try to figure out just how the fuck they were going to get home.

"Willa, Car's over there." Bam slurred, turning to cross the street only to be pulled back by Ville.

"Bam you're in no position to drive. I'll be damned if i'm taking that risk."

"You drive then."

"I dont know how to, and I dont have a license. You know that."

"S'okay...if a cop stops us just speak that Finnish shit. Then drive off when the idiot tries to look it up-"

Ville rolled his eyes and shook his head. "We're going to a hotel Bam."

After peering ahead, Ville estimated that the closest hotel was roughly about six blocks away. He thanked Ozzy silently that Bam was actually a steady drunk and held him up as he clutched his arm giggling drunkenly, navigating them both down the street sometimes having to catch Bam when he tripped over the stray crack in the worn sidewalk that was littered with trash and gum from decades ago.

Once they got to the hotel which just so happened to be the Marriot, he and Bam got stares from the local patrons that clearly stated that they weren't welcome. Due to Bam's drunken rambles their noise level had already extended past their standards and the fact that he smelled strongly of alcoholic beverages didn't help their case. A man in an entirely over done suit whispered to his morbidly obese wife, or attempted to anyhow  that "some people didnt know how to control themselves" And Ville alternated between flipping him off as best as he could whilst covering Bam's mouth  so he didn't let loose on him, dragging Bam to the front desk. That man had no idea that the finger was the least he should have been worrying about. Ville had just saved his life, because he knew Bam's capabilities, and they were no better when he was drunk.

He contemplated the room they were going to stay in, going over each selection very carefully and weighing out the pros and cons of each one. He finally decided on a room with a large bed. It's not like they hadn't shared a bed before. Bam took up very little space since he always ended up in his arms anyhow. It made for a nice cuddle. When he asked the receptionist who seemed like she was just dying to call security for the room she simply gave him a good once over, taking in his fitting Hanoi Rocks band tee, and the skin tight black jeans with his worn chucks and his beanie. Then she peered at Bam who was leaning against him for support and ordering a gin and tonic. Ville could almost read her mind. She knew who Bam was.

"Sir," She began setting her pen down. "I don't man to pry, but just how much did your...friend drink?"

"He's obviously drunk, yes darling? so enough to gt him fucked up."

"He looks like he might-"

"Look. Your job isn't to worry about him, because that job is taken," Ville said calmly. "Your job is to book this room if one is open, and take the money I am going to pay you for it."

"There aren't any rooms-"

"Then I suppose the slots that say "Vacant" in that improtant looking book in front of you aren't open? If you are going to lie be a good liar. Book. The. Room. Varaa huone. That was in two different languages, I would expect that I got my point across, Kim."

"Reservar la habitación." Bam slurred falling against the desk, pushing all the papers off. Ville snickered.


With a roll of her eyes Kim went to her computer and took the credit card making a few taps, and then placed a card key along with a receipt in Ville's open hand.

"Have a nice stay Mr Valo."

Now the only worry Ville had, was that he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off Bam. Of course it was tempting...but he wouldn't give in to it. So he thought.

Later on in the room, Bam hadn't sobered up the least bit. He watched in amusement sipping on his ginger ale, sitting up with his back against the head board as Bam laughed manically at the porn that flashed across the rather large television screen. Bam layed at the foot of the bed, and Ville took the time to appreciate his good looks. His Turbonegro shirt rode up just the smallest bit revealing the small stripe of flat skin right above his hip bones. He subconsciously licked his lips tempted to run his fingers over it.

A very exaggerated moan from a silicone porn actress triggered another laughing fit from Bam and he rolled over a bit too much. With a startled yelp he flailed and knocked the remote off the bed as he fell forward off the edge of the mattress, breaking his fall by landing on the burgundy plush carpet hands first. At first impulse Ville instantly reached out and grabbed his legs to prevent the smashing of his pretty face into a hard unforgiving surface. As Bam's body shook softly it took him a few moments to discover that he was laughing, not sobbing or choking.

"Bam-Bam are you alright?" Ville asked, looking over the edge of the bed to see Bam balancing on one hand and reaching for the remote that has fallen with the other.

"S'okay Willa. Jus' don' let go." Bam assured him with a drunken chuckle. "I jus' gotta get the 'mote. S'all good when I get the 'mote."

Alcohol always did that to Bam's speech, made him sound like a five year old temporarily. Ville sighed and indulged his request not to let go, sitting back and holding him firmly. That's when his eyes began to roam. Naturally Ville couldn't help but notice how shapely Bam's ass was since it was practically put in front of him. His eyes trailed up the backs of his toned legs. It was a perverted thing to do but watching Bam bend and flex topless in a baggy pair of jeans that barely covered what you would think he would treasure while he skated had contributed to the fact that checking out him was now his favorite thing to do on a daily basis. Yes, he thought Bam was very sexy. And now he wanted to do something that he had craved to do for years.

Ville quickly yanked Bam up so that he was fully on the bed and flipped them over. He was on top now, staring into those confused pools of frozen over ice he had for eyes. When he pressed his lips to his he tasted the bittersweet mix if cranberry and vodka that had been in his martini's. Craving more of Bam's own taste and wanting it to overpower all the others, Ville took advantage of him opening his mouth for him by pushing his tongue in, teasing lightly by rubbing it over his slightly and then pulling back to suck on his bottom lip before claiming his lips again fully. Bam ran his finger tips over his scalp and pulled at the hair there, clearly expressing the fact that even in his drunken stupor he was enjoying it.

When Ville pulled away in shock at himself that he had actually done it, Bam looked as if he couldnt decide if what had just happened was right or wrong. There was no right or wrong in Ville's books. If he were to tell anyone the truth he only remembered the feelings. The warmth of their bodies pushed against each others' and the feeling of his chapped lips. Ville always kissed friends for fun but Bam was more than his friend...was he? Ville was sure that he was after this little experience. He had never thought about a kiss so much in his entire life. When he looked down at Bam again, ready to pounce he had already rolled over on his side and passed out. Ville simply pulled his shoes off and then collapsed next to him grabbing his ipod to use as sleeping medication. All he could hope for was that Bam didn't wake up the next morning with regrets.

So darlings, what do you think? tell me if you like it. I'm working on the next part now and thats where it gets even more hilarious and steamy. Comments are appreciated. xoxo

genre:drabble, rating:r, genre:pwp/smut, fic:series, genre:comedy, author:x

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