Jan 15, 2011 17:58

Hello everybody ! I know it's been a long time but, I'm very busy with my studies at school and I don't have too much time to post my new entries, but anyway there's the second chapter !

Title : When You Smile Pretty For The Devil
Pairing : Vam
Rating : PG
Summary : Well, First chapter's sequel of course, we are still in 1997 but in this one, Bam is going to discover HIM...
Warnings : Maybe language

Author's Note : This is Bam's POV, but the story is at the 3rd person

West Chester PA 4th of June 1997 3:16 PM
-Ryan ! Can you tell me where are we going ? Bam asked though he noticed they didn't take the usual path to go to the park..
-You'll see ! It's a surprise ! And hurry up or April will be once again mad at you, you're supposed to be studying in your bedroom, remember ? Ryan said almost rushing.
-Yeah but it's not my fault ! Bam snorted. 
In fact, this morning while April was doing shopping, Ryan went to his best friend's house to pick him up for a "walk".
-Nobody told you that you were obliged to follow me ! Ryan said like he read his friend's mind.
Bam instantly poked him in the ribs.
They walked down the streets for twenty minutes before they arrived in front of a little shop that Bam has never seen.
-Here we are ! Ryan announced. Let's go inside.
It was a music shop.
-Hi Dico ! Ryan greeted a tall guy at the reception desk.
-Hi guys, can I help you ?
-Dico !? What are you doing here ? Bam asked recognizing one of his friends.
-Well, I'm working, we're not all as rich as you Bam Bam so I had to work if I want to go to somewhere during the holidays.
-Yeah I guess.
-So can I help you ? Dico asked for the second time.
-Yeah definitely. Ryan said. We want to go to HIM's concert, so we're looking for tickets.
-Wait I'm gonna check.
While Dico was searching for the tickets in a small cupboard, Bam found himself in front of a display full of HIM's albums. He took one of them. "Greatest Lovesongs vol. 666" he read. In the album's cover stood a thin man almost naked. He seemed to be very young and he had make up. "He looks like a girl" Bam thought.
-Well, you are lucky guys, these are the last two tickets. Dico said giving the precious tickets to Ryan.
-Bam ! Come on, we have to pay ! Exclaimed Ryan.
-Yeah, but I'm gonna buy it too.
He had decided to buy this album.
-Thank you for all Dico and see you at school ! They both said after they paid.
-Yeah see you guys !
-So I gotta go, I don't want April get angry with you and then forbid you to go to the concert. See you ! Ryan said letting Bam enter his house. There was nobody at home ; April hadn't come yet, Phil and Vito were probably in a bar and Jess was gone somewhere with his band, so Bam was alone. Perfect. He went to his bedroom and instead of studying, he put his new CD in the CD player. The first song was called "For You" ...


Yeah, then again, it sucks, but anyway what do you think ? Don't be afraid to tell me about all the faults I've probably made and of course, comments are welcome ! :)

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