Vam Meme

Nov 01, 2010 19:16

1. What is your favorite real life Vam moment and why? (Link any media that goes along with it if you like)

I am so all over the moment where Bam and Ville are singing in the streets together. For some reason two boys singing a song about 'many men,' no matter how non-sexual it might be, is totally sexy for me!

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2. What is your favorite Ville/Bam interview and why? (Link the interview if you feel like it)

I dig the whole 'We Need To Talk' series, but I love the 'If I Was' one. I love when he says he'd be Little Red Riding Hood.

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3. What is your favorite Ville/Bam moment on stage (Link any vids you have if you feel like it)

I think this is going to be everybody's, but I totally dig Bam filming Ville onstage at Ruisrock 2008.

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4. What is your favorite Vam picture and why? (Link or display)

I always have a crush on this picture because it's totally like the world is in on it, you know? Seems like none of us even need the slash goggles for this picture. I just love it.

5. What is your favorite Vam moment from a fictional story and why? (Once again, link if you want to)

I've never been one for kid fics, but the idea of Ville trekking around a zoo is just too adorable for words. Zoo by heavenlyxflames .

6. What are your top three Vam story recommendations?

The Mess We're In by words-lie /bluespire. She's a good friend, but this was a great story. She used one picture for the prompt and proceeded to make a multi-media story that won the picture challenge in Vamidays. I've always dug this story and even got the opportunity to write the prequel. Check it out!

Closed Door by gal8028. Because it's managed to go on for over a hundred chapters and still amazes and entertains me with its original characters and interesting side-pairings.

Gasp by musicophilia. Because she managed to write one of my favorite kinks, breath-play, beautifully. Warning for that if you read it. lol.

7. Which of the two do you prefer as a top and why?

I'm all for versatility, but for the sake of an easy answer, I'll pick Ville. I happen to think of him as a control freak and I think that he'd have problems/issues with taking the bottom role. That being said, I'm not opposed to Bam fucking Ville when the rock star gets a bit overwhelmed and needs to let go of a few things. Clearly I'm filthy.

8. Which of the two do you prefer as a bottom and why?

Like I said, I'm all for versatility, but I just see Bam needing complete attention, and I think he'd get that by being the bottom. I think he'd be stoked to get taken, but at the same time there's a ton of care that goes into the prep. He'd be all over that. But, on the other hand, I'm sure every once and a while he gets all amped up and shows Ville he's got a little dom in him.

9. Name one person you'd like to see Vam have a threesome with.

Just one? There could be a totally long laundry list here, but I'll go with my newest flavor of the month. Henry Rollins. He'd top them both. And they'd love it!

10. Do you truly believe that Ville and Bam have ever hooked up? Summarize your thoughts on the topic in a few sentences.

I think they probably hooked up during the filming of the music videos. They're always so drunk, in bed, rolling around with each other. I think they probably messed around out of need and boredom. And I think it's totally hot.

11. If yes, when do you think they hooked up for the first time and why?

The Sacrament video shoot! It's so obvious. I just think that they were young and down for anything and everything.

12. What do you think Bam and Ville's pet peeves about each other would be?

I think that Bam used to hate when Ville smoked in bed, but now that he quit, he totally hates it when Ville leaves half empty tea cups all over the house. Ville hates it when Bam wears his clothes and stains them, and of course, when he tries to keep his socks on when they're fucking.

13. What do you think Bam's top three favorite HIM songs are?

The Sacrament. Play Dead. And that version of Please Don't Let It Go where he got to play drums on the track.

14. What is your favorite year for Vam and why?

Probably that first US tour that HIM did. I don't remember the exact year because I'm the worst fangirl ever.

15. What is your favorite Ville/HIM tattoo on Bam and why?

I used to dig the portrait, but now that Bam's gone a bit portrait happy with his arm, I'm going to go back to the standard favorite, the stomach tattoo. Advertising right above the goods if you ask me!

16. Shared closet: Post any pictures/vid links you suspect are of Ville and/or Bam wearing each other’s clothes.

Oh, like Ville isn't wearing Bam's clothes in this video.

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17. What is your favorite of Ville’s nicknames for Bam?

I like it when he calls him sweetheart. I'm a sucker for it. In fiction, I like it when Ville calls him Kulta, because I'm secretly fluffy inside. Don't judge!

18. What is your favorite of Bam’s nicknames for Ville?

I like it when Bam calls Ville sweetheart too. I'm not big on the Willa Walo or the Zilla Zalo thing.

19. Who does Ville have to be jealous about when it comes to Bam?

Ryan Dunn. That man kisses Bam way too much for shock factor. And Bam probably likes it!

20. Who does Bam have to be jealous about when it comes to Ville?

I like the idea that Mige will give Ville a quick jerk on the bus during a long tour. So aside from Ville's mystery Screamworks lady, I'd vote for Mige. I don't care if he's a little rough around the edges, there's something sexy about that.

21. What is your favorite thing that Ville and Bam have in common?

I dig the fact that they're both really silly while still being arrogant about what they do. I think a lot of people forget how goofy Ville is because he seems so deep in his music/lyrics. So I'd go for the whole goofy factor.

22. What is the biggest difference between Ville and Bam?

It's on the tip of my tongue to say class. lol. I think that Ville has some class while Bam doesn't. I'm sure that's not entirely true, but it seems to be the way things form inside my head.

23. If you could grant one wish for Ville and Bam’s friendship/relationship, what would it be?

I think they should both move to California and have a full-time sexual relationship. Too much info? Some in this community would say not enough! No really, I think they just need to spend a little more time together. Be silly and stupid together. Maybe Bam would even clean up his act a bit.

The End!

video:vam, picspam:vam

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