Title: Restless
draugurkeeperPairing: Vam
Rating: R
Summary: Ville is having restless and nightmarish dreams.
Disclaimer: Own nothing
Warnings: Language, torture
Author's Notes: I'm new to the world of Lj and Vam. My name is Beckett,you can call me Beck, Summers from Hella, Iceland. I'm hoping to be more excepted here than I am by my family in my choices to write and my choices on what to write. AND YES I AM A BOY. :) LOL
Restless, Chapter One
He tossed and turned in his bed, blankets and sheets wrapping around his legs and mid-section like a giant snake. He’s long brown hair tussled and a few strained sticking to his sweaty forehead. Moans escaped his chapped pink lips and his eyes squeezed tighter shut. The door to the room opened and a figure silently entered the room closing the door quietly behind them.
Carefully, they tip toed over to the edge of the bed and slipt into it. Skilled and calloused hands unbound the tossing body from the confines of the blankets and covers. The same hands pushed the sweat soaked strains of hair from the restless person’s face. The person wrapped around the upper body of the moving person.
“Shh, it’s alright.” The awake person cooed comfortingly. The person’s tossing and turning remained.
“Ville…Ville wake up.” The person called out softly.
Ville bolted upright out of the person’s arms. Sitting up in the bed, his legs out stretched to the head board, he took heavy uneven breaths in a fast pace. The person that woke him moved to sit next to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and wiping sweat from his flushed cheek.
“Slow down. You’re going to hyperventilate.” They said.
“It was such a horrible nightmare, Bam.” Ville panted, still breathing fast, but slower than he was when he sat up.
“You want to tell me about it?” Bam asked, “Get it off your mind?”
Ville shivered and leaned against Bam a bit. Bam had always been a good boyfriend to him; he saw sides of the other man that many would swear up and down that he was lying.
“I was being tortured by some horrible, ugly demon in what looked like a dungeon from Vlad the impaler’s time.” Ville began to explain his nightmare to Bam. “He had me on a torture rack, stretching me beyond the point of agonizing pain, and then he used the pendulum. When you woke me I was facing the Iron Maiden.” A few tears slipped from Ville’s tired green eyes.
Bam wrapped his arms more around Ville and rocked him gently. “Well it was just a nightmare, Willa. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“Easy for you to say.” Ville mumbled, “This is the 4th night in a row I had the same type of dream.” He moved away from Bam, pulling a pillow to his chest and laying back down with his back to Bam.
“Well, if you start having it again. I’ll wake you.” Bam said quietly.
Ville huffed a loud breath from his nose and then tried concentrating on falling back to sleep without having the torturing nightmare again.