30 questions, Chapter 6

Aug 07, 2010 05:39

Title: 30 Questions  (Chapter 6 of 8)
Author: xbrokendollzx
Summary It all began with a few rather personal questions. However, these questions provoke feelings in Ville and Bam that they already understood, but chose to ignore...that was then. This is now.
Rating: R to NC-17
Warnings: Angst, M/M, Language, Smex, Violence
Disclaimer: Don't know, Don't own, and never happened. We're crossing our fingers

Bam almost passed out under Dunn's scrutinizing gaze. His friend's expression was practically blank, and that was what scared him shitless. The awkward silence was another factor. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find the words. Deep down he knew that there were no words. What could he possibly say to explain this situation?

"Bam, dude you could have said something." Dunn said softly as he stepped further into the kitchen.

Bam looked up slowly, his eyes locking with his surprisingly calm friend's.


"I wouldn't have cared y'know. I always knew that you and Finncess here were fooling around. So does half the world. This shit is normal. The sky is blue, the grass is green, Bam and Ville fuck."

Ville raised an eyebrow in surprise, and got up to lean against the kitchen table.

"Actually Ryan, we've only been together for three weeks."

Ryan laughed and grabbed a pop tart out of the box sitting on top of the fridge.

"Well allow me to say that it's about fucking time."

Bam who was still shell shocked, blinked and got closer to Dunn.

"So what you're saying is, you don't care if I'm...Uh..."

"Gay? Nah. Honestly, it would take a whole lot more than that to make me hate you. You're still Bam, and nothing that happens between you and Ville is ever going to change that. You might be a humongous ass, but we're still bros."

Bam grinned suddenly and launched himself at Dunn, knocking him to the floor and taking him into a tight hug.

"I fuckin' love you, Dumb ass!"

"Yeah, yeah me too. Now get the hell off. I'm hungry as hell."

Bam pinned Ryan down, still squeezing him.

"I'm not sure Ville would appreciate that, Dunn."

Ryan groaned and attempted to pry Bam's arms open to free himself.

"That's fuckin' sick Bam. Ville, could you be of assistance and get your lover the hell off of me?"

Ville simply chuckled and watched the rare affectionate gesture turn into an all out wrestling match on the tiled kitchen floor.

"Sorry, Ryan but this is your fight. Besides, I'm the one who has to deal with him full time now."

"Damn...you got a point there, man."

Bam pouted playfully and chucked Ryan's sneaker at his amused boyfriend, who easily dodged it and sat on a stool.

"I thought you loved dealing with me?"

"I do, Sweetheart but that doesn't modify the fact that you're a little brat. Now leave poor Ryan alone. He's suffered enough for one day."

Ryan pushed Bam off and got up, straightening his shirt.

"Thanks Ville, at least he didn't lick me this time."

Ville couldn't help but laugh at the disgusted look on Ryan's face, but groaned when Bam pressed into him from behind, gently dragging his lips up the side of his neck.

"Bammie," He purred, tilting his head to the side with no intention of stopping the action. "Don't start anything we can't finish."

"Who said that we won't be able to? Besides, I want to finish getting you o-"

"Alright!" Dunn interrupted. "I know I said I was cool with you two and all, but I don't need to see what goes on in Ville and Bam's porn land. Keep it in your pants or get a room."

Bam smirked and pushed his hands into the waistband of Ville's ever present tight black jeans, now amused by the idea of disturbing his best friend.

"Why don't you loan us yours for the night?"

Dunn's face contorted in disgust once again.

"Yeah, uh, no thanks. I don't want your...man juices on my sheets. Ape wouldn't be too thrilled to clean that up either when she does laundry either."

Bam and Ville looked at each other, and shared a secretive grin before bursting out into giggle fits. Dunn however wasn't amused. He was curious.

"What the hell is so funny?"

Ville took a breath between giggles, trying to compose himself as he wriggled out of Bam's embrace.

"Nothing, dear Ryan. It's just...what if there weren't any juices on the sheets? what if they went somewhere else, or ended up someplace else as I rather put it?"

When Ryan finally caught on, he simply closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Okay, I take my comment about Bam being sick back. You both are fucking sick. Now hurry up and get your horny asses out into the room. I'm sick of hearing Jess complain like a little bitch because you two wanna have Finnish American kitchen sex."

"Feel free to join us anytime." Ville called as Dunn walked out of the kitchen with another pop tart, dismissing them both with a middle finger.

Bam shook his head, looking up at his lover with pure adoration and amusement.

"You're so fucking corrupted by me. I like that."

Ville chuckled and kissed Bam gently, running a hand through his hair.

"I could teach you a few new tricks myself."

"Fucking rad, Babe. Now lets get this over and done with, and put it behind us."

Ville took his hand and nodded, leading him out of the kitchen.

"Sounds like a plan to me, Love."

"Finally! what took you fags so long?"  Jess demanded, pushing Novak's feet from his lap. Bam stiffened slightly as the slur rolled off of his brother's tongue like nothing, but relaxed when he felt Ville's hand rubbing up and down his back encouragingly.

"Ville and I were just talking about things. What we called you here for."

Dico sat up and chucked his magazine onto the table.

"Speaking of, what is this whole thimg about anyhow?"

"Yeah Bam."

"What's going on dude?"

Bam bit his lip as his friends shot off inquiry after inquiry, not knowing how to answer any one. Finally, after seeking support in Ville's emerald orbs he found the words.

"It's about Ville and I. Well, it's really about me. But a big part involves Ville."

Jess narrowed his eyebrows, and looked from his almost terrified looking younger brother, to a tense Ville. Something was going on and he knew it.

"Wait...what do you mean you and Ville? You two fighting again?"  Novak asked, taking a sip from his beer.

"No we aren't. It's the uh, opposite really. " Bam answered, now squeezing Ville's hand.

Jess leaned forward and stared unbelievingly at Bam, who was returning his stare.

"Bam...Brandon, are you trying to say that you're a fag?" Then began to laugh, hard not noticing that Bam dropped a few shades in skin tone.

"Watch your fucking mouth Jess, and quit using that god damn word!" Dunn suddenly snapped, causing everyone to look at him in shock.

"Chill Dunn, what the fuck is your deal? Bam knows I'm fucking around."

"It's not funny Jess. You can't say shit like that and expect Bam to laugh it off anymore."

"Anymore?" Jess echoed, turning his attention back to Bam and Ville. "What the hell is going on? Bam what the fuck are you trying to say?"

"I'm gay, Jess." Bam whispered, quickly averting his eyes to the floor.

Hey lovelies, the little side notes are back. Once again I apologize for the inconsistency of this chapter. I had to fix some tech problems. But all is well now, I hope this chapter makes up for it!

fic:series, author:x, rating:nc-17

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